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Tracking Your Weight Loss Progress

One of the most important aspects of weight loss that many people forget is that they should track their progress. There are several reasons why you should do this, but the most important is being able to see what your work is doing to your body. There is no better way to stay motivated than watching yourself shrink into the body that you desire. Here are some ways to track your weight loss progress.

The most common and easiest way to see your weight loss progress is by weighing yourself. This is simple to do with a scale. Electric ones tend to work best as the traditional scales can be easily tipped or thrown off causing numbers to vary greatly. You should weight yourself once a week. Anymore than that can become obsessive and can negatively impact your goals. The best way to handle weigh ins to be consistent. You need to weigh yourself the same way on the same day every week. For example, if you plan on wearing a shirt during your weigh in, make sure you always do that at every weigh in on the same day every week. The best time to weigh yourself is after you wake up before you drink or eat anything. Make sure you keep a written log of your numbers in a notebook, on a calendar, etc.

Another common way to track your weight loss progress is by taking measurements. This is not as simple as weighing yourself, but it's still fairly easy to do. Use a tape measure that can be wrapped around your body to measure yourself. Like weigh ins, do this once every week. You should measure your waist, thighs, chest, and arms. It's not important where you take the measurements, but you must be consistent. If you take a measurement of a certain spot on one of those areas, make sure you do that every time you measure yourself every week. The best time to do measurements is first thing after you wake up and on an empty stomach. Doing it afterwards can change the measurements and throw of the numbers.

You can also track your progress by taking photos. This is a great way to see how far you have come and how far you have left to go. Sometimes, numbers only go so far. When you can actually see the weight loss, you can get a real sense of accomplishment. It's also a lot of fun to see how your body has changed over time because of your efforts. Unlike the other two progress-tracking methods, you should stick to doing this once a month.

Seeing the results of all of your hard work involved with your weight loss can make you feel that you are gaining a better body, better health, and ultimately, a better life. Some people like to go by numbers and some like to go by looks. No matter which way you prefer, tracking your weight loss can help you stay motivated so that you can reach your goals in no time.


Weight Loss – How to Eat More and Weigh Less

No, this is not a trick, it really can be done. It is definitely possible to lose weight without feeling hungry; the secret is to eat the right type of food.

There are some types of food which are really good at making you feel full without stacking up the calories - so you can eat more of these types of food without piling on the pounds. Some foods are so calorie laden that the smallest nibble can show on the weighing scales. It has been proved that we feel full because of the amount of food that we've eaten rather than the amount of calories that we've eaten, so by eating lots of food which is lower in calories it can help you to feel full without making you weigh more.

Now that I've got your attention take a look at the types of food which you can afford to pile on your plate without stretching your waistband;

"    Fruit and vegetables - I bet you were expecting that weren't you? The problem with some fruit and vegetables is in the preparation, if you add fat or butter to your vegetables then they are not so waistline friendly. Raw fruits and veggies are brilliant, steaming is good - just don't add oil. Particularly great fruit and vegetables to include in your "eating more to weigh less" regime are spinach, broccoli, apples, tomatoes, berries, carrots - blueberry muffins are not good, not even the low fat variety.

"    Broths and soups - are a great opportunity to fill up your bowl without piling on the weight just so long as you steer clear of those which are cream based - mushroom bisque is not good, broth with lots of fresh veggies and a few herbs added for flavor are very good. I suppose the basic rule is to not add any cream.

"    Whole grains - whole wheat bread, brown rice and pasta are great for filling you up without making you gain weight. These have all of the goodness that nature intended them to have - flour which has been processed and bleached does not have the same benefits but can stack up the calories.

"    Peas and beans - are a great addition to the menu if you want to eat plenty of delicious food and fill your stomach without gaining any extra weight. Black beans, green peas, kidney beans - add some to your vegetable broth for a little something extra - just don't add any cream.

"    Lean meats and fish - there are loads of lean meats and fish which you can eat in large amounts without piling on the weight - again you've got to make sure that you prepare it properly. Chicken, turkey, lean beef and fish is great. Having said that a fried chicken wing is not good, a grilled chicken breast without the skin is fantastic.

So remember to include plenty of these low calorie options into your daily diet, throw away the frying pan and steer clear of the cream aisle in the grocery store. That should really help you to lose weight without going hungry.
