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The manganese, magnesium, silicon (and calcium) found in apple cider vinegar has been linked in sustaining bone mass, which is important in the fight against osteoporosis. A supplement of apple cider vinegar could for this reason be valuable to consider should you suffer from a calcium shortage, have a problem with osteoporosis, or ifyou are entering your postmenopausal stage, where a risk of bone loss could cause a problem.


Although apple cider cannot cure cancer, it is a valuableally to have around to help fight free radicals in the body, which have been shown to be indicative in the formation of various cancers. Beta-carotene, found in apple cider vinegar, is a powerful antioxidant, which helps in neutralizing the free radicals, formed in our bodies through oxidation.

To prevent these free radicals, and to keep them in check, we need antioxidants in our system to rid our bodies of these potentially dangerous compounds. If free radicals are left alone to have the run of our bodies, they cause major damage by severely damaging cells, which leads to aging and degeneration.

The pectin in apple cider vinegar adds fiber to the diet, and even the American Cancer Society promotes a high fiber diet to help with preventing cancer, especially colon cancer. The reason for this is that fiber binds with certain cancer causing (carcinogenic) compounds in the colon, and speeds up their elimination from the body.


Although there are different factors influencing the formation of candida (which is a yeast infection) a disturbance of yourdiet, as well as an intake of antibiotics must be looked at when you experience such an episode of candida flare-up, since the yeast balance in your body can be thrown out of sync by these two factors.

A selection of topical creams and lotions are available, but a cheap alternative can be found by douching twice a day with a solution of ACV until the symptoms disappear. The solution is made from 2 tablespoons of ACV to a quart of lukewarm water - this solution will assist in restoring the acid balance.


A good warning system for heart disease is the presence ofhigh blood cholesterol in the system. To help prevent this is to follow a lifestyle which includes eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables, maintaining
your ideal weight, getting enough exercise while avoiding processed foods, junk foods and hydrogenated oils.

Another way is to add fiber to your diet, especially water-soluble fiber - such as the pectin found in apple cider vinegar. Water-soluble fiber soaks up water, which adds bulk, and interacts with your body, and also keeps on working longer than non water-soluble fiber.

Fiber also soaks up fats and cholesterol in the body and then is excreted instead of being reabsorbed. Non water-soluble fiber soaks up moisture in the body, but cannot interact with the body. The amino acids contained in apple cider vinegar have also shown promise in neutralizing some ofthe harmful oxidized LDL cholesterol.


It has been found that the pH factor (the acidity factor) of the body becomes a bit more alkaline prior to a cold or flu striking you down. When you take apple cider vinegar it helps to rebalance the acid level
of your body.

Another remedy for colds and flu, and said to be specifically beneficial for chest complaints during the winter, is to soak a pieceof brown paper with apple cider vinegar, and to place pepper on the one side of
the paper. You then tie the paper, pepper side down,on to your chest and leave on for 25 - 30 minutes.



The Uses of Cider Vinegar:

A number of outstanding authorities have proven the therapeutic  advantages of using cider vinegar for numerous complaints ranging from obesity and overweight to arthritis. Besides the therapeutic
benefits derived from taking cider vinegar therapy, as outlined in this post, it can also be used for a number of other purposes e.g. salad dressing, pickling, a flavor in cooking etc. It also makes a very refreshing drink, hot or cold, with or without honey - this should take the place of normal tea and coffee, which are so habit-forming and unnecessary commodities.

Try using cider vinegar where lemon juice is required e.g. in making mayonnaise, or just sprinkle some on a salad before serving; sprinkle on pawpaw for a refreshing breakfast, or just use on potato chips!

Effect of Cider Vinegar on The Blood :

When the blood is deficient in some minerals or biochemical salt, illhealth is the outcome e.g. boils break out, suppurating blisters become apparent, pimples appear on the face etc. It has been found however, that cider vinegar helps with the cleansing as well as the clotting of the blood. Oxidation of the blood is veryimportant and cider vinegar is again an effective treatment for this. Besides introducing the important minerals into the blood stream, as mentionedabove, cider vinegar also helps in the clotting of blood. This is of tremendous help to those people who are commonly termed 'bleeders', as they live their lives in fear of cutting themselves due to the bloods inability to clot, and it will also enhance the healing process. 

The best method of using apple cider vinegar is in its natural liquid form.


Use the cider vinegar and honey treatment for arthritis and also apply cider vinegar externally to painful joints. This entails drinking a glass of water with two teaspoons of cider vinegar and two teaspoons of honey three times a day. 

Local treatment can also be given by soaking the arthritic hand, or foot in a strong, comfortably hot solution of cider vinegar for ten minutes, two or three times a day - (a quarter of a cup of cider vinegar to one and a half cups of water). Arthritic knees can be attended to by making a poultice - soak the cloth in a mixture of cider vinegar and water, (as per above mixture) wring out and wrap it around the joint, then secure with a dry cloth to retain heat. When the wet cloth cools, it should be wrung out in the hot solution and applied afresh. Repeat several times, twice daily.

Asthma :

One tablespoonful of cider vinegar added to a glass of water should be taken in sips for half an hour. After a further half an hour has elapsed the treatment should be repeated. The wheezing shouldlessen in intensity quite considerably. However, should wheezing still persist a second glass of the same mixture should be taken. Deep breathing exercises are also a beneficial treatment. 

Blood Loss :

It has been discussed above how cider vinegar helps in preventing blood losses. In any circumstances where the flow of blood is too free and is too persistent, such as when a person has a nose bleed without any apparent reason, then two teaspoons of cider vinegar in a glass of water, three times a day will aid in restoring the natural clotting properties of the blood.  
