Do You Think One Of Theses Solutions Can Solve Your Weight Loss or Health Problem ?

What Weight Loss Equipment Should You Buy?

Combined with dieting, exercise is the most efficient way to shed down those extra pounds. Not only will exercising improve how you look, but it will also improve your overall health, and regular exercising will keep on paying dividends even in your old age.

The effects of exercise are cumulative. The more calories you burn, the more you speed up your metabolism, which in turn makes it possible to lose more weight. If you are going to take your exercising seriously it’s a good idea to know what home equipment is available for your weight loss regime and what will best suit you.

Among the most effective, and maybe the best known of them all, is the treadmill. There are a huge variety of treadmills out there, with every imaginable option and style. For example, there are treadmills that are powered by your own walking and others which are powered by electricity. There are treadmills with a motor designed to run for two hours a day and treadmills made to be used for twelve consecutive hours. The end result is a very wide range of products available to choose from. The prices vary depending on the specific item, buts its worth taking the time to work out exactly what you need before making your choice.

The exercise bike is another classic home exercise machine. Unlike the treadmill, it provides a workout for both the upper and lower body, which holds a lot of appeal for conscientious enthusiasts. Like the treadmill there are a large range of different models each providing their own features to help you with your weight loss plans.

Another popular piece of weight loss exercise equipment is the elliptical machine. These machines combine multiple exercises, and the advanced models will give you both an upper and lower body workout. If you haven’t seen and elliptical machine before, it is helpful to think of it as a hybrid between a ski machine and a stair climber.

One item that might not immediately strike you as a serious piece of workout equipment is the trampoline. It is, however, a great way to burn excess calories, not to mention it being really fun. The bigger trampolines are often set up in back yards and used for workouts and recreational play, while smaller models, called mini trampolines, are designed for indoor use. Either way, besides being exciting and fun, trampolines are also quite affordable. If you think bouncing on a trampoline gets boring, you can play some fast invigorating music while you exercise, that certainly gets the blood flowing as subconsciously you try to move with the rhythm of the music.

If you don’t have a lot of room in your home, you will find some home exercise products that are collapsible when not in use. These items also tend to be a bit cheaper than the larger equipment items. Yoga and Pilates items, or resistance bands and exercise balls fall into this category. When it comes to choosing weight loss exercise equipment for home, you are only restricted by your budget and the amount of space you have available.


What You Need to Know About Weight Loss

Weight loss simply refers to reduction of body mass, whether it is by reducing fat or water content and whether it is intentional or not.

Sometimes you want to lose weight, and sometimes a medical condition can cause weight loss. Unintentional weight loss is always a cause for concern and warrants a visit to your physician.

When you lose weight, you can lose fat, muscle, or water - or a combination of these. If you are overweight, diet and exercise can help you to reduce your overall weight and body mass.

Unintentional Weight Loss:

If you find that you start losing weight without trying, there could be a number of different factors at work. Many medical conditions can cause this to occur.

For example, if you have Type I diabetes and it is not managed well, you can begin to lose weight without trying. This is because your body begins burning fat and muscle for energy since it cannot access the glucose from the food you are eating. This is a serious condition that needs to be addressed by a physician.

Other conditions that can cause unintentional weight loss include altered metabolism due to HIV infection, hormonal imbalances like overactive thyroid gland, and even some forms of cancers.

If you start to lose weight without trying, how do you know when to see a doctor? A good rule of thumb is to be concerned if you lose five percent of your body weight in a month or ten percent over six months.

Intentional Weight Loss:

Of course, the more familiar type of weight loss results from deliberately attempting to lose weight due to obesity or generally wanting to be healthier. This is sometimes referred to as therapeutic weight loss, and is usually used to improve the health or change the appearance.

If you have any medical conditions that are adversely affected by being overweight, intentional weight loss is a good goal. These illnesses can include things like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and cholesterol, and arthritis.

Perhaps you just want to be able to move a little easier or have more energy. Intentional weight loss can help you to achieve these goals also. Eating a little less and moving a little more can take off those few excess pounds that are slowing you down. You may have an easier time participating in your "weekend athlete" activities if you lighten you load a bit.

One important point to note is that crash dieting can be dangerous and should be avoided or only undertaken under the supervision of a physician. The body can have serious negative reactions to a severe restriction in calories, so be careful if you decide to follow an especially restrictive diet.

As you can see, there is a lot to know about the area of weight loss. Although most of the time, people lose weight deliberately, sometimes weight loss can be dangerous and a sign of a serious medical condition.


When to Choose Weight Loss Surgery

Obesity runs in my family. It's not an excuse, but it is certainly the truth. I believe that I was pre-destined for obesity, partly due to genetics, and partly due to overindulgence. My mother, sister and I are all obese. Several of my aunts, uncles and cousins are also overweight. So, I am not alone in my plight. I have tried every diet you can name in the 53 years I have lived on this Earth, and not one of them has helped me to keep off any weight that I have lost.

I have finally decided to get serious about my weight problem. By getting serious, I am talking about weight loss surgery. I have not decided what type of surgery I want as of yet, but I am leaning toward the Lap Band, due to its less invasive nature, and easy reversal. I am wary of having my stomach stapled, or having most of it removed. I like that the lap band can be adjusted as needed, and requires minimal hospital stay.

The reasons I have for choosing weight loss surgery are many. The most persuasive to me have been the following:

Health Issues:

I have several health issues that make weight loss surgery a wise choice for me. My BMI, or body mass index, is 58.  This puts me well above the required BMI of 40 in order to qualify for the lap band. I have mild hypertension, sleep apnea, severe osteoarthritis in my hips, knees and hands. Most importantly, I feel that without this surgery, I will die at an early age due to complications from obesity.


I do not care much what others think of me. I still have rather high self-esteem. However, I do wish to improve my appearance mostly for myself, but for my husband and children as well. At 430 pounds, I am not as attractive as I once was. I believe that all people should take pride in how they look, and just do the best they can. For me, that means getting fit, and losing weight.


I used to be an active woman. As a young adult, I was an avid ice skater. I loved hiking, fishing, camping and yardwork. All of my most-loved activities are now impossible. I walk with a cane due to my arthritis, which will most likely improve once I lose weight. Also, I would like to be able to join my family in their activities, instead of opting out with a headache, or other non-existent ailment.

As you can see, I have many valid reasons to consider weight loss surgery. I have many years ahead of me if I can lose the weight, and get healthy. Many people scoff at those who choose weight loss surgery, claiming that they are taking the "easy way out." I disagree. Surgery is never easy, and those who undergo this type of surgery must still watch what they eat, and change their eating habits. I know it will not be an easy road, but it is a road I feel I must travel.


Wrong Weight Loss

The single, most important thing about weight loss is the method. It all starts there. Results can be achieved with a number of different methods, and there is always more than one way to get from A to B, but the method you use to get there often contributes to whether or not you arrive.

Equally, there are some method to lose weight that are shortsighted, unlikely to work, or just plain dangerous.

The most popular, almost "tried and tested" method of weight loss is dieting. The problem with dieting is that it doesn't really work, and where people do manage to succeed with it, they often end up putting the weight back on, plus more, further down the road.

For me, dieting is just counter-intuitive. The key to losing weight is burning calories, not starving yourself of them. To burn calories, you need to have a fully functioning metabolism. If you can burn more calories in a day than you can eat, then you will start to lose weight.

This is where the miconception about dieting comes in. People think "Instead of burning more calories, I will just take fewer in".

Actually, this doesn't make sense. When you take fewer calories on board, your body doesn't have enough fuel to work properly, so it reduces the metabolism to compensate. You are taking less on, but you are also burning less.

There might end up being some weight loss at some point, but as soon as you start eating again, you put the weight back on rapidly.

Moreover, when your body does burn fat to turn it into fuel, it actually uses up protein first. If you are not eating enough to replace those proteins, all that will happen is you lose muscle mass, which does reduce your weight, but the fat will still be there underneath.

Eventually, you might be on of the lucky ones to hit their "target weight" using this method. Hooray! You can eat again! Now you are piling fat back on top of fat. This is not going to have a good outcome.

What is my solution?

It just makes sense to give your body the fuel it needs. I am not saying to go out and eat as much as you want, I am saying eat smart. There are healthy, nutritious foods out there that will give you everything you need, but for only 100-200 calories.

This is going to help keep your body working efficiently, burning calories and fat, but keep your muscle mass, only take on a few hundred calories, and not have to starve yourself in the process.

People who use this method not only find it easy to keep going, they tend to wind up healthier, and as a result they keep the weight off.

I'm not one to believe "My method is the best and everything else is terrible," but I do think it appears more like common sense than dieting. It makes sense to me that if you give your body what it NEEDS, it will function correctly, and will reach its ideal weight naturally.


You Need to Be Wise if You Want to Lose Weight

Common sense and an approach that considers the realities in your life are far more likely to help you to lose weight, than some fancy diets, exhausting workouts or those miracle pills. All these are far more likely to have you parting with your hard earned money, thus reducing the weight of your purse.

A Simple Common Sense Approach to Weight Loss:

Examine your present lifestyle, eating habits, diet constituents, and physical exertions. Make a complete list of everything,  sit yourself down, and go through it critically. Do you have a regular routine, or one which keeps you awake at all odd times? Do you eat in front of the television or computer, and are rarely aware of what you eat? Do you eat a lot of fast food? Are you drinking too many colas or other fizzy drinks? Is your exercise routine one that is sporadic?

A “yes” answer to all or most of these questions is a sure sign that you need to get more control over your life, diet and exercise routines, if you are to benefit yourself in anyway, in attempts at weight loss.

Making Those Changes:

Human beings are meant to work for eight hours a day, sleep for another eight hours, and have eight hours left over for leisure, social activities and other things. Ensure that you make for yourself a routine that enables you to work correctly, sleep adequately and relax sufficiently. This itself will get your body into a rhythm that will enable all your bodily systems to work correctly and this can help weight loss.

Switch off that television or your computer and see that you take your meals at the dining table. If in the office, find an outside area where you can eat your sandwich in piece, away from the computer or telephone. Eat slowly whenever you do so, making sure to bite correctly. This will enable your gastric juices to work efficiently to digest your meals.  See if you can stop going back for refills. 

Fast food contains a lot of refined carbohydrates, fats and salt. All these help you to put on weight and are best avoided. A simple brown bread sandwich carried from home can give you far better nutrition. Carry along some fruits or nuts and nibble on them whenever you feel hungry. Cut out the fizzy drinks and colas. Reduce your intake of coffee especially if you are used to taking cream and sugar in it. This can reduce the intake of sugar, which can in turn help you to lose weight. Ensure that you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and avoid the heavy red meats. Switch over to brown bread.

Make exercises a part of your daily routine. Consider this as important as eating or going to work. This does not have to be anything elaborate and can be something as simple as walking, jogging or cycling. Gym routines can always help, but need sufficient motivation. Making a habit to climb up stairs, walk down to the supermarket and avoid using your car wherever you can. 

Try out all these simple common sense tips and there is every chance that you will be well on the way to your weight loss goals. Do not expect or want drastic results. Very high weight loss can cause other problems like loose skin and loss of vitality.


Weight Loss Over Age Forty

Weight loss is a challenge at any age. But, after the age of forty women in particular have the added obstacle of having to overcome the hormonal changes in the body. Hormones have a definite impact on weight loss.

I’m an avid viewer of Dr. Oz’s show as he seems to be very balanced and, at the same time, really up-to-date regarding the current trends in dieting and what works and what does not. So when he acknowledged that hormones can definitely slow down my weight loss efforts, I sat up and took notice. Maybe he would also have some helpful suggestions on the solution to this dilemma.

He did have a number of recommendations and I’m going to share them here, in case there is still a female in this country that has not tuned into Dr. Oz’s show on a daily basis. He pointed out that after age 50 the body burns 200 calories a day less because of estrogen loss. As you age and your eggs “shrivel,” your body turns to your belly fat as a backup for storage of its estrogen. That being the case, you need to provide your body with an alternative source of estrogen. Dr. Oz recommends you grind up and eat two teaspoons of flax seeds daily to boost your estrogen.

Of course, exercise of some sort is always recommended, no matter what your age. Unfortunately in your forties and fifties your body responds differently to exercise. Even when you are burning up the calories, the fat is reluctant to leave, preferring to stay in your body, marbleizing your muscles. You might be surprised to learn that this has to do with the diminishing amount of testosterone in your body as you age.

To combat the decrease of testosterone, Dr. Oz recommends a very high protein source – Roman Beans. He suggests building up the amount of these beans that you eat until you reach 2-3 cups a week. If you are concerned about that creating a problem with gas – a common occurrence when eating beans – simply increase the amount of beans you eat in small increments until you’ve reached your goal of 2-3 cups a week.

Salmon is a good idea also as it is rich in protein and Vitamin D (and let’s not forget those healthy Omeg-3 oils). Broccoli is helpful for the iron it provides, building up your red blood cells that in turn carry oxygen to your muscles.

Finally, don’t underestimate the value of weight training – thirty minutes a week will help burn those calories and continue to do so even after the workout is over!

There’s no denying it is going to require a little more of a concentrated effort to be successful in the weight loss department after the age of forty. It’s a hard reality, but weight loss CAN be accomplished if you follow these guidelines. Even more importantly, you will be increasing your overall health which means you will feel strong, healthy and vital – and isn’t that the ultimate goal in any diet regimen?


Losing Weight Doesn't Have To Be Hard

These days losing weight is on everyone's mind. It seems it's harder and harder to lose the weight as you age. Once you hit 30 years old, your metabolism slows down and it can be more of an uphill battle to control your weight.

We're going to discuss a few different ways that will help you in this effort to slim down and lose a few pounds. If you are healthy and are at your ideal weight, you still might be able to gain valuable insight from this information.

One of the biggest misconceptions about losing weight is that you should limit your calories per day. While it is true that you need to watch her calorie input, you should not starve yourself because that defeats the long-term purpose of losing weight and keeping it off.

The reason why this does not work is because if you starve your body, your body will start to break down muscle tissue along with fat. When the muscle tissue has been lost, your ability to maintain a high metabolism rate goes way down. This will make it easier to gain the weight back in the future. This is why you see people who are on diets always struggling to keep the weight off.

The one thing many people do not want to do is what they know they should do, which is exercise. Exercising is something that many Americans do not do enough of. There is more time spent in front of the TV and computer then moving the body around. That is more of a society problem in this day and age. However don't let this be an excuse!

Not only will you feel better by moving your body, you'll also be able to lose weight and stay healthy as you age. What is it to like about this? Most people agree with these ideas, they know they are correct, but just lack the determination to follow through with them.

Don't let this happen to you! Go and find a gym, by some good sneakers, and start working out! If you can't afford a gym then you can always do some cardio exercises either inside or outside. You can also do situps, push-ups and pull-ups inside your home to build lean muscle. This lean muscle also help increase your metabolism which helps you burn calories day in and day out.

As you can see watching what you eat is only one part of the equation as you are trying to lose weight. You need to be aware that your body is trying to work with you and not against you. And that might be a mental shift that needs to happen in your mind, but when it does happen you'll see the pounds fly off!

So the next time that you see someone on a diet and they're not working out, you might want to let them know that they need to maintain their metabolism rate by increasing their lean muscle.


Making Simple Diet Changes To Lose Weight

Trying to lose weight can seem like a very difficult task. If you’ve tried weight loss before without success, you’ll know just how hard it can be to make changes and stick to them. Many people struggle to balance their weight loss efforts with the things that are going on in their life. If you’re struggling to lose weight, a few simple changes may be able to help you get started on the right path.

Instead of jumping into a full blown weight loss journey, try to make a few small changes that could really make a difference. A good, simple change is to not drink your calories. During the day, many people reach for coffees, teas, or sodas. Instead of adding all of those unneeded calories, switch to drinking more water. Depending on the amount of drinks that you normally drink, you could save over 500 calories each day just by reaching for water. Switching to water can also save you a lot of money as it is normally less expensive than sodas, teas, and coffee.

If you’re trying to lose weight, try to avoid eating out. If you frequently grab takeout on your way home from work, a lot of your weight may be caused by that. Many people say that they don’t always have the time to cook a large dinner once they’ve gotten home from work. This can be avoided by planning out your meals well. If there are certain days where you generally arrive home later than usual, have something premade for dinner, such as a salad that you mixed up a few days ago. Not all of your meals need to be five-course dinners.  Take the time at the beginning of each week to create a meal plan that you can stick to.

Changing the way that you prepare food can help you with your weight loss goal. If you’re used to frying your chicken, give baking or grilling a shot. If you’re used to using a lot of butter or cheese on your vegetables, try to find other ways to prepare them. There are many spices that can be added to your veggies to make them taste great without butter or cheese. You should also keep an eye on the amount of salt that you’re adding to your food. Many people reach for the salt anytime something seems bland. Instead of adding extra salt, try to find seasoning and spices that you could add to give your food more flavor. If you’re used to using ground beef for hamburgers or spaghetti, give ground turkey a try. It’s mostly fat free and can taste great when prepared correctly.

Losing weight isn't just about how fast you can get the weight off. It’s about making lifestyle changes that you can stick to. For this reason, many people to make huge diet changes tend to go back to their old way of eating in a short amount of time. By making small changes, you increase your success rate of losing the weight and keeping it off.




The manganese, magnesium, silicon (and calcium) found in apple cider vinegar has been linked in sustaining bone mass, which is important in the fight against osteoporosis. A supplement of apple cider vinegar could for this reason be valuable to consider should you suffer from a calcium shortage, have a problem with osteoporosis, or ifyou are entering your postmenopausal stage, where a risk of bone loss could cause a problem.


Although apple cider cannot cure cancer, it is a valuableally to have around to help fight free radicals in the body, which have been shown to be indicative in the formation of various cancers. Beta-carotene, found in apple cider vinegar, is a powerful antioxidant, which helps in neutralizing the free radicals, formed in our bodies through oxidation.

To prevent these free radicals, and to keep them in check, we need antioxidants in our system to rid our bodies of these potentially dangerous compounds. If free radicals are left alone to have the run of our bodies, they cause major damage by severely damaging cells, which leads to aging and degeneration.

The pectin in apple cider vinegar adds fiber to the diet, and even the American Cancer Society promotes a high fiber diet to help with preventing cancer, especially colon cancer. The reason for this is that fiber binds with certain cancer causing (carcinogenic) compounds in the colon, and speeds up their elimination from the body.


Although there are different factors influencing the formation of candida (which is a yeast infection) a disturbance of yourdiet, as well as an intake of antibiotics must be looked at when you experience such an episode of candida flare-up, since the yeast balance in your body can be thrown out of sync by these two factors.

A selection of topical creams and lotions are available, but a cheap alternative can be found by douching twice a day with a solution of ACV until the symptoms disappear. The solution is made from 2 tablespoons of ACV to a quart of lukewarm water - this solution will assist in restoring the acid balance.


A good warning system for heart disease is the presence ofhigh blood cholesterol in the system. To help prevent this is to follow a lifestyle which includes eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables, maintaining
your ideal weight, getting enough exercise while avoiding processed foods, junk foods and hydrogenated oils.

Another way is to add fiber to your diet, especially water-soluble fiber - such as the pectin found in apple cider vinegar. Water-soluble fiber soaks up water, which adds bulk, and interacts with your body, and also keeps on working longer than non water-soluble fiber.

Fiber also soaks up fats and cholesterol in the body and then is excreted instead of being reabsorbed. Non water-soluble fiber soaks up moisture in the body, but cannot interact with the body. The amino acids contained in apple cider vinegar have also shown promise in neutralizing some ofthe harmful oxidized LDL cholesterol.


It has been found that the pH factor (the acidity factor) of the body becomes a bit more alkaline prior to a cold or flu striking you down. When you take apple cider vinegar it helps to rebalance the acid level
of your body.

Another remedy for colds and flu, and said to be specifically beneficial for chest complaints during the winter, is to soak a pieceof brown paper with apple cider vinegar, and to place pepper on the one side of
the paper. You then tie the paper, pepper side down,on to your chest and leave on for 25 - 30 minutes.
