Do You Think One Of Theses Solutions Can Solve Your Weight Loss or Health Problem ?


Cider Vinegar

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" (the dentist too!) - is an oft  quotation which should not be considered as just an obsolete "Old Wives Tale", as there is more than meets the eye in these axioms of yore. Apples are among the most health-giving fruits available as they contain a host of nutritious properties via: Phosphorous, Chlorine, Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium, Sulphur, Iron, Fluorine, Silicon, plus many trace elements ....... and all of these are found in  PURE APPLE CIDER VINEGAR.

What Does it Do?

Among other things, cider vinegar is very effective in detoxicating various organs in the body together with the blood stream. Hence it is a purifier, as it has a means of breaking down fatty, mucous and phlegm deposits within the body. It therefore, promotes the health of the vital organs of the body e.g. kidneys, bladder, liver etc., by preventing an excessively alkaline urine. Cider vinegar also helps oxidate the blood which consequently prevents the blood from becoming too thick and gluey, which gives rise to a strained heart and blood vessels resulting in high blood pressure. Cider vinegar also promotes digestion, assimilation and elimination and it neutralizes any toxic substance takeninto the body. There have been a number of instances where people whohad taken a mixture of cider vinegar and water before a meal were unaffected by diarrhea, or digestive upsets, whilst their companions who ate the  same meal were. Hence the cider vinegar seemed to neutralize the harmful substances in the food eaten.


Apple cider vinegar has a potent supply of potassium, which has become so widely acclaimed in the helping of various complaints including: running nose. Excessive mucous formation, watery eyes, sinus and catarrhal troubles. Teeth decay and the splitting of fingernails are also signs of potassium deficiency which areremedied
by taking cider vinegar. Potassium is essential for the normal growth of the body and for the replacement of worn-out tissues, which depend upon the presence of this mineral. It is as important tothe soft tissues, as calcium is to the bones and teeth and it also retards the hardening of the blood vessels.

As potassium is so important in the healthy growth of a plant, animal and human, a deficiency of this mineral will produce suchtendencies as callous formations on the soles of the feet, or the failure to replace worn-out tissues as observed in the loss of hair.

Tests have proven that a soil deficient in this mineral-salt will produce anemic and undersized plants, however, when potassium is introduced into the soil the plant becomes sturdier and increases in height. This is also the case with animals, where potassium which was fed to livestock, in the form of cider vinegar, improved their appearance and stamina. Humans too, can benefit with this increased potassium intake.

Especially where children are slow developers and appear undersized. A few teaspoons of cider vinegar taken withwater each morning will show tremendous results. The best way to introduce cider vinegar to the family, is to substitute it for the ordinary table vinegar and use it in the cooking. Potassium acts as a restraining influence upon those who are over-excitable and nervous. It draws fluid back into the cells, for when potassium is lacking the body cells shrink and their normal activity is restricted.


Best Health - Discover the Hidden Secrets to a Better Night's Rest

ou're tossing and turning in your sleep, worried over your deadline or stressing over the kids' exam results. And as you worry about getting some shut-eye, you find it's even harder to rest! Well, you're not alone. Studies estimate that 10 to 15 percent of the adult population has chronic sleep problems and an additional 25 percent has transient or occasional sleep problems. But with a clearer understanding of sleep patterns and helpful techniques you'll soon drift into snooze mode.

How Do We Sleep?

Sleep is like a roller-coaster ride with many valley and peaks. The peaks are about 90 minutes apart, so your sleep cycles are 90 minutes. When you go to sleep, you enter light sleep for a few minutes - this is Stage 1 sleep. You are easily awakened during this stage but feel fine.

As your sleep deepens, you enter into Stage 2, 3 and than 4. After 40 minutes in Stage 4, you're in your deepest sleep.

This deep sleep is when your body is getting its greatest rate of rejuvenation - and if you are forcibly woken, you'll feel groggy and confused. After a while in Stage 4, your sleep moves back up to Stage 3 and then 2, and you're soon on the up - slope of the roller - coaster ride. This is when your brain waves change to an active pattern similar to someone awake and looking about the room. Even as you sleep, your eyes flick around during this stage, so it's called rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.

There are also physical changes in heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure and blood flow to the brain. This is the stage when our most active dreams occur. If you awaken now,you'll be alert and respond quickly. The first episode of REM sleep lasts five o 10 minutes, and is followed by another 90 - minute cycle. However, the subsequent dips have progressively less deep sleep, while REM sleep periods become longer. Your usual night of sleep is completed after about five of the 90 - minute cycle.

Patterns Of Insomnia

Insomnia often has a pattern to it, and this can provide important clues about what's causing your problem.

1. Sleep Onset

Trouble falling asleep is a common problem,and can be treated with good sleep practices. If you have trouble going to sleep at night and find it difficult to wake in the morning you may have delayed sleep phase syndrome, a disturbance of the body clock. Another reason some people have trouble falling asleep is restless leg syndrome, or a breathing disorder.

2. Sleep Maintenance

Some people may have no problems falling asleep but they wake often throughout the night. This causes lengthy periods of awakenings and makes them sleepy during the day. Causes include sleep apnoea, periodic limb movements in sleep and it can be made worse by alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, sleeping pills and medication.

3. Early Morning

Awakening This problem of waking up too early can be caused by a disturbance in the body clock or shift work, and can also be related to depression. Like sleep onset insomnia, it can become a habit.

4. Habitual Or "Learned"

If you fell sleepy in the living room in front of the TV, but wide awake once you get into bed, you probably have learned insomnia. Your bed has become associated with felling alert, frustrated or anxious, rather than with sleeping. This habit is not intentional but with every night your frustration increases, making the habit harder to break.

What Causes Insomnia?

Anxiety often causes insomnia. For sleep to occur, your alertness level must be low but anxiety causes increased alertness. You may be just dropping off when you hear a noise; you immediately become anxious and alert as your heart races and sleep becomes impossible. Or, a thought, such as "Did I remember to mail that important letter?" can also trigger anxiety.

Many people also have a habit of worrying in bed. Sometimes this seems to be the only time they have to themselves to think things through. To help, set aside 20 to 30 minutes of "worry time" in the evenings to think over the day's event. List your worries and what you think you could to do about them. At the end of your worry time, resolve not to think about those issues till the next day.

Some people with insomnia may have sleep apnea (disordered breathing during sleep), restless legs syndrome, periodic limb movement, nightmares, sleep walking and even narcolepsy where the person affected falls asleep frequently in the day, often without warning.

Get Your Sleep Back.

As insomnia is often caused by habits developed over time, here are ways to break them and enjoy a good night's sleep :

1. Cut Caffeine And Nicotine

Caffeine and nicotine are powerful stimulants and should be avoided by late afternoon.Most people are not aware that chocolate and chocolate - flavored drinks also contain caffeine - so beware of that tempting chocolate mudcake snack late at night.

2. Watch Your Alcohol Intake

Some people enjoy a nightcap before bed.Alcohol's initial effect is relaxation but when its effect wear off after a few hours, you'll experience mini-awakenings during the night and have disturbed sleep in the second half of the night.

3. Bedtime Ritual

Having a nightly ritual helps bring on sleep - a soothing warm bath or even cleaning your teeth can be part of a ritual, but begin only when you feel reasonably sleepy. If your body clock isn't set for sleep, you may lie awake, which makes you frustrated - this is one of the bad habits that strengthens habitual insomnia.

4. Keep Your Bed For Sleep (And Sex!)

Avoid working on your laptop in bed or having long conversations about family responsibilities with your husband. This weakens the link between the bed and sleep. The one exception is sex - the physical and psychological satisfaction it brings can improve sleep.

5. Don't Stay In Bed If You're Awake

Strengthen the link between bed and sleep by not staying in bed if you're awake. If you don't fall asleep within 15 minutes of going to bed, get up, go to another room and do something relaxing till you feel sleepy again. Don't do anything too stimulating; instead, read a magazine, watch TV or listen to soothing music. Don't get into the habit of eating at night as you're training yourself to wake up to eat; and don't be tempted to have a cigarette or caffeinated drink. Once you feel sleepy, go back to bed. If you still can't sleep, repeat the process.

The paradox with sleep is that the harder you try to do it, and the more concerned you are about it, the more elusive it is. Tell yourself that the worst that can happen if you sleep less is that you'll be sleepier the next day and likely recover some of this missed sleep the next night.
Oey Piu Hian
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Food has certainly been the down-fall of man's health.With all the rubbish he stuffs into his delicate, yet adaptable organism, it is no wonder that there is so much unnatural disease rampant today.

From the day he ate his first meal man has forever abused his system with the wrong types of food. He has not been rationalin his eating habits, but has merely satisfied his banal desire for stimulating, refined and processed fare. The day will come, however, when hesuddenly realizes that his food habits affect his physical as well as mental well being.

He will then realize that he had been satisfying his debased taste buds, rather than sustaining the body. The wise, however, look toward nature for their answer; with patience and perseverancethey have rediscovered the answer to man's dilemma.

The answers although simple are extremely effective as they do not entail unnatural chemical compounds - it is the utilization of these wonderful gifts from nature which are so efficacious and free for all! There have been many natural curative formulae discovered throughout the centuries, which have proved themselves safe and yet effective.

Natural resources have been used since the days before Christ via: Sunshine, Water, Air - herbs and homebrews has been used for generations too by our ancestors. Honey is also a natural wonder, together with many other folk preparations which have been handed down through the ages.

Amongst these APPLE CIDER VINEGAR has been widely used as a successful remedy for a number of ailments. We find that,with the abuse of the body, inordinate amounts of waste matter have accumulated within the system. In the early stages these are not so apparent as the body is still vital enough to deal with this extra burden.

However, if an attempt is not made to eradicate these toxic accumulations, the body has to deal with more and more pressure, resulting in aches and pains. Later in life these efforts to eliminate these encumbrances result in influenza, bronchitis etc; and, if these healing efforts are suppressed by continued wrong livingand drugs, the acute symptoms become chronic and insidious.

Rheumatism, arthritis, cancer, heart ailments, high blood pressure etc, are all signs that the body has been neglected by the suppression of natural healing crises. There are certain preparations, however, which assist the body in eliminating these toxic substances and this is where these natural curative methods have found a valuable place in the healing arts.

To abstain from those foods and drinks which add to this unnecessary accumulation, is a great assistance to the body i.e. those refined and denatured food items such as bread, starch, white sugar, and their products; together with the unnecessary food items which cause excessive mucous and toxic waste in the system e.g. meat, eggs, dairy produce, legumes, cereals.

However, one may now ask what should one eat if these are to be eliminated from the diet. Where one cannot complete lyabstain from these products, moderation is the key word in this instance, together with certain herbal and folk preparations which assist in the breakdown of the acids and mucous waste.

It is at this point that the benefits of APPLE CIDER VINEGAR will be discussed.


The Power of Antioxidants for Staying Young

Everyone wants to grow old gracefully.  Some go under the knife to get that youthful look while others opt for a more natural way to maintain that healthful glow.  The way to make peace with age can be found in the types of foods that we eat and the miracle ingredient they contain.

This hidden “miracle” is called antioxidants.  They have graced the pages of magazines, medical journals and every product from hand cream to supplement pills.  But what are antioxidants and what can they do to keep you looking your best?

Antioxidants are substances that fight the aging process that goes on in your body.  They are not produced by the body so to get the benefit of these power-packed substances you must ingest them.  A variety of foods contain antioxidants.

Let’s go back to the beginning.  The body continually replenishes its cells.  Through a process called cellular metabolism, the body produces energy, more cells and repairs any damage.  One by-product of cellular metabolism is unstable molecules called free radicals.

Free radicals are molecules that damage your body.  They are unstable because they are missing an electron.  To get another one and become stable, free radicals will steal electrons from cells.  That theft damages the cells in a variety of ways. 

The results are visible and invisible changes to our bodies.  The development of diseases like cancer, diabetes, arthritis and neurological deficiencies may begin to affect you as you age.  Also, thinner skin wrinkles and brittle bones are a problem.  Free radicals enter our body from outside sources as well: cigarette smoke, radiation and the sun’s UV rays.  The more free radicals we encounter, the greater the damage that can be done.

Antioxidants have been shown to be of great help in the free radical problem.  Antioxidant substances combine with free radicals and neutralize them.  Once they are neutralized, they can no longer do any damage.  Scientists don’t have any idea of a recommended daily dose of antioxidants to correct free radical damage and the diseases that come with age, but they do know that eating foods rich in antioxidants makes a huge difference in how we live.

Where do you find antioxidants?  They are all around us.  Look no further than your local farmer’s market or produce aisle in the grocery store.  Fruits and vegetables contain the principle sources of antioxidants.

Examples of antioxidants include:
* Vitamin C
* Vitamin A
* Vitamin E
* Lutein
* Lycopene
* Beta-carotene

Certain minerals like zinc and selenium also function in the body.  They are not antioxidants but they boost the immune system to fight against free radical damage.

Antioxidants are also found in nuts, legumes, cold water fish, seafood and red meat.  So, eating a varied diet of fruits, vegetables and the foods just named will increase the amount of antioxidants in your system and help reduce the incidence of disease.  Eating fruits and vegetables in their natural form instead of juices brings the benefit of other nutrients found in the foods.  Juices also contain a lot of sugar that is not needed by your body.

Food does more than stave off hunger.  Natural substances found there can cause us to live longer and stay free of disease as we age.


Prized Weight Loss Advice

Losing weight can seem like the most difficult thing in the world to achieve, but having the right knowledge can make a world of difference. Knowing what you are doing and having an informed plan of action makes any task easier. Use the advice in this article to help you finally drop those pounds.

Weight loss can be made easier if you watch your eating habits. Many of us tend to binge eat when we are going through times of unusually high stress or trouble. In order to avoid this, think of other activities you can do to distract yourself when troublesome events occur. This will prevent you from overeating and gaining weight.

A good way to reduce calorie intake and lose weight is to cut down on carbohydrates like bread and pasta in your diet. Try replacing carbs with something else instead of pasta. Serve a sauce and some meat over a bed of steamed vegetables. You can also wrap a sandwich in lettuce instead of using bread.

When you are eating a meal, avoid certain kinds of toppings that could add a lot of calories. Salt is one of these toppings that is not only bad for your body if consumed in bulk, but can slow your functionality and make you feel haggard during the day. Avoid sodium and salt in the foods that you eat when dieting.

In order to lose weight in a healthy manner, avoid a crash diet approach to weight loss. Set realistic, attainable weight-loss goals for yourself. If you set unattainable goals, you set yourself up for failure and disappointment. Remember, successful and sustainable weight loss is not a "race" It is a marathon.

Record all of your favorite television shows and only allow yourself to watch them when you are exercising. This can be a great motivator to exercise more, because you will be eager to start working out just so you can watch the next episode of your favorite program.

Long term weight loss is best when you approach it slowly. It is best to make life style changes that will affect your health over all. Having a better diet with fewer unnecessary calories and adding exercise weekly to your regime, will allow you to lose weight in a healthy way and keep it off.

As with anything, understanding the situation is half the battle. You're never going to achieve your weight loss goals without a clear understanding of what you need to do. By using the tips and techniques you've learned in this article, you can give yourself the knowledge you need to get rid of that extra weight.


A Guide To Getting That Body Youve Always Wanted

Losing weight is something practically everyone wants to do. For most people, beginning a weight loss routine can be really challenging because of how much effort is called for. But losing weight need not start with a total lifestyle plan and constant, intense effort. Here are some tips that can help ease you into a healthier, weight-reducing life.

Don't drink soda pop when you're trying to lose weight. Changing to diet soda instead of regular soda does not help either. It is nearly impossible to lose weight if you're drinking soda. Cut soda out of your diet completely and substitute it with water. This is an effective way to lose weight.

Eat when you are really hungry and not just because you are craving something or think you are hungry. You want to hear your stomach grumble a bit before deciding it is meal time, as this ensures that you are truly hungry and are now eating for nourishment and not indulgence.

For people who have never enjoyed running, but really want to, there is a very interesting program. The program is called Couch to 5k and it helps someone who is completely inactive prepare their body and mind to run for 30 minutes in just 8 weeks. So far it has had very good reviews.

Exercise can be pretty boring. When trying to lose weight, make sure you have some entertainment during those long cardio sessions. Get a book to read or even an audio book to listen to. Create a music playlist that is fast and high-energy and will keep your body moving.

Don't be fooled that all chicken has less fat than other meat. It's not the animal that matters, it's where the meat comes from on that animal. Every animal has areas where it stores more fat - even chicken. Dark chicken meat contains more fat than beef rump roast or top round, and twice the fat of pork tenderloin. The best part of the chicken to eat is the breast meat with the skin removed. Even better, eat turkey breast, as it has fewer calories.

Remember that a little effort always has better effects than no effort at all. Picking just one or two of these weight loss tips may be surprisingly successful. Once you see real results, you will have the motivation you need to learn more and work harder towards serious weight loss goals.


Will Eyelashes Grow Back - Be Safe And Smart

If you have ever lost an eyelash you may wonder, "Will eyelashes grow back?" Yes, eyelashes grow back. They usually grow back at the same rate as the hair on your head. Factors that affect eyelash growth and thickness are age, some type of trauma, stress, and depression.

If you are worried about your eyelashes falling out then you should be careful not to increase the rate they fall out. Stop wiping at your eyes either with your hands or with a towel or tissue. This will pull out more eyelashes than those that fall out naturally. Always be gentle in and around your eyes. Eyelashes are there to help protect your eye from flying debris in the air all around us.

If your eyelashes become less in number and thinner, there are things you can do to help answer the question will eyelashes grow back question. Careful eye care is the first thing you can try. If you work in a place where your eyes are in danger of getting things in them you should be sure to wear safety glasses. I know, I know, but would you rather have eyes you can see out of for the rest of your life? I know I would.

When we age, skin, hair, and nails all slow in their regeneration ability and this includes eyelashes as well. If your eyelashes get so bad and do not seem to be growing back like they used to, you may be interested in talking to your doctor about and one of the eyelash growing serums out there.

These serums are usually brushed on your eyelashes or around your eyes at night before you go to bed or in the morning when you wake up. Some may have to be brushed on both times, day and night. Your lashes should start to grow and you can see results in as little as 4-8 weeks with full lashes seen by week 12.

Keep in mind though you will have to keep using the serum you choose every three months or so due to the fact that when you stop using the serum the growth they stimulate in your lashes stops and the lashes eventually go back to the way they were. Other side effects may include eyelid darkening that can be camouflaged with eyeshadow or eyeliner. The pigmentation of your eyes may also be affected as well. None of these side effects are life-threatening and may not be permanent.

You can find some eyelash growth products over the counter but some may not work well for you. Instead of trying to find a product that works for you using a trial and error method, go see your doctor. You can get a detailed diagnosis and then your doctor can prescribe an eyelash growing serum for you.

If you choose to do the trial and error thing then do your research online. There are sites that compare serums so you can start by trying the one you like best and work your way from there. All of these products claim they help with will eyelashes grow back making them thicker, fuller, and longer.


Sleep Apnea - Obesity - Lose Neck Fat

If you or someone you love has sleep apnea, obesity may be a contributing factor. Maybe you are kept awake by the horrendous snoring, snorting or get worried because sometimes your spouse sounds like they are choking. These are all signs and symptoms of sleep apnea and you should encourage them to go to the doctor or get yourself to the doctor if this is you.

The way obesity comes into play with sleep apnea is that the fatty tissue that has built up around the neck affects the neck muscles and soft palate and even the little flap in the back of your throat called the uvula and when you go to sleep all the muscles relax and the fatty tissue relaxes also and closes off your airway. This is dangerous because at some point you may just stop breathing all together.

This is called respiratory failure and it is fatal. This does not happen frequently but it does happen, the best advice you can get is to get the treatment you need so you do not have to worry about it happening to you. Talk to your doctor before it is too late. Sudden death can occur at any time.

The next best piece of advice I can give you about sleep apnea obesity is to lose the excess weight. did you know if you lose just 10% of your total body fat you can decrease the seriousness of your sleep apnea by 30% and it just goes up from there. The more you lose the better off you will be and when you get to your ideal weight or even just meet your weight loss goal you may not have sleep apnea anymore.

How do you know if you have sleep apnea? Well, there are ways to tell that you might if you do not have someone to tell you you snore. Do you ever wake up and your mouth is so dry you feel like you have to pry your tongue from the roof of your mouth with a pry bar? Are you always tired? Do you need more coffee than usual to stay awake during the day? Could be sleep apnea is affecting the quality of your sleep and your life.

If you and your doctor agree that you may have sleep apnea, he or she will refer you to the respiratory care center of the clinic or hospital and get you fitted for a CPAP machine and mask. This will take some getting used to because you will have to wear the mask when you are sleeping. If you also make a lifestyle change and start to lose the weight you probably will not have to use the machine for too long. It all depends on how quickly you can lose the weight.

As soon as you lose the weight sleep apnea obesity will be a thing of the past and you can rest easy and get back to a normal way of life.


Female Hair Loss Prevention - Stop The PonyTail

Your grandma lost her hair, your mom started to lose her hair right around the age you are now and you do not want it to happen to you. Luckily, you haven't seen any signs yet and now you are seriously considering finding information about female hair loss prevention. Probably a smart move on your part and if you are not seeing any signs yet you may not be too late. If previous female family members have lost their hair, this condition is known as female pattern baldness.

Let me caution you though, before you start spending all kinds of money on treatments you may not even need, ask you doctor to do some blood work to check for iron deficiency anemia, electrolyte imbalances, thyroid dysfunction or iodine deficiency, or vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Any one of these can cause your hair to thin and fall out. Getting these seemingly small things checked, addressed and treated, if need be, at least yearly can put your mind at ease and help you hang on to that full head of hair.

Another female hair loss prevention idea is to minimize pulling your hair back into a ponytail. Go get a nice shorter style so you won't be basically what amounts to pulling your hair out by the root every time you pull out the pony tail holder, or at the very least making your hair break. Sounds like a simple thing to do, right? sometimes the simplest things are the most effective in handling a problem.

The way you treat your hair is important, be gentle with it when you are in the shower and when you shampoo carefully massage your scalp with your finger tips and do not scrub hard. Scrubbing too hard can cause damage to your hair follicles and cause them to die. When a hair follicle dies no hair can grow from it. Minimize damage by being gentle when you shampoo and use a good vitamin enriched conditioner. The better conditioned your hair is the less it will break and thin.

Do not get me wrong you do not need some conditioner that costs you a week's salary. There are good ones on the shelves of your favorite store that will do the trick and keep your hair shiny, full and manageable with out a lot of breaking.

Keeping your scalp healthy is important too. The vitamins found in your shampoo and conditioner will help in this area, too. A healthy scalp means healthy hair follicles and healthy hair follicles mean a healthy, full head of hair. Some say that a good dandruff shampoo can help keep your scalp healthy, too. So if you noticed your scalp is itching and you start to see some dandruff, or even if you don't see any. Use some dandruff shampoo to keep your scalp healthy.

Use these tips and ideas to help you with your female hair loss prevention and to minimize your hair loss from female pattern baldness. You can maintain your beautiful, healthy hair for a long time to come.


Eyebrow Growth - Tips For Fast Eyeborw Growth

Our bodies are pretty amazing, features we view as only ornamental actually have their own special 'job'. Eyebrows are no different, they are located over our eyes to keep sweat from running down into our eyes. They can also enhance the overall beauty of your face. If you don't have the eyebrows you really want, there are some simple things you can do to stimulate eyebrow growth.

Most of these methods have been around for a long time. They require simple to find, natural products and you can do them overnight when you sleep.

1. First things first, remember to keep your body healthy if you want anything to grow. What happens on the inside of your body is reflected on the outside of your body. If your hair isn't growing, your nails are weak or your skin is dry that's almost always a sign that your body isn't getting all the nutrients or hydration it needs.

To keep your body in balance eat a good variety of healthy foods. Stay away from junk food and greasy foods. Make sure you drink plenty of water every day, and no - soda doesn't count. Get plenty of sleep and just to be on the safe side, take a multi-vitamin every day.

2. Gently rub castor oil into your eyebrows every night before you go to bed. This will encourage eyebrow growth because it lubricates and softens the skin which encourages hair growth.

3. When you were a kid, did someone tell you to brush your hair 100 times to make it grow faster? Well, if so, they were right. You can do the same thing with your eyebrows. Brush them for at least 2 minutes at a time with an eyebrow brush. Do this twice every day and you will get your eyebrows growing more quickly. Do remember to keep your eyebrow brush clean.

4. I've already talked about taking a multi vitamin daily, in addition to that you can target some other vitamins that will encourage hair growth.  Taking vitamins A, C and E will help even more. Just make sure to check the vitamins in your multi vitamin, you don't want to get too high a dose of these vitamins and they may already be included in your multi vitamin.

5. Combining the natural herbs of fenugreek, aloe vera and onion juice into a paste and applying it directly to your eyebrows overnight will stimulate hair growth. Just take one fenugreek capsule, open it up and mix the seeds with several drops of aloe and the onion juice. You want a fairly thick paste like consistency so don't add too much liquid.  

One of the neat things I like best about using all natural remedies is that they often pay dividends in several ways. If you're looking for a natural way to stimulate eyebrow growth by following these tips above not only will you do that but you can also get an overall healthier body which is just that much better for you and your eyebrows.


Do Eyelashes Grow Back - Good Health Prevails

While most of us think of eyelashes as only another feature that can draw attention and add beauty to our eyes, they actually serve a very important purpose, they protect our eyes from dust, sweat and other foreign materials. If you have some accident or medical issue and you've lost your eyelashes, you are probably wondering: do eyelashes grow back?

Eyelashes, just like all the other hair on your body, do have their own unique life stages. They will grow, fall off and more will be regrown.  They do shed and break off in between the growth cycles but if you maintain good overall hygiene, you can keep that to a minimum.

There is a name for each unique phase: anagen, catagen, and the telogen.  The anagen phase is when your eyelashes grow. This phase will last almost two months, about 7 weeks. At any given time you'll have about 1/3 of your eyelashes in this growing phase.

The catagen phase is the phase when the growth is on hold for about 3 weeks. And last, but not least, the telogen phase. This is the phase when your lashes will fall out.

Obviously, since under normal circumstances you never lose all your lashes at the same time, the answer to the question: 'do eyelashes grow back' would be 'yes'.  You will have some eyelashes in each of these three stages at all times.

The growth rate will vary from person to person. One of the best things you can do to increase your own growth rate is to avoid those things which are bad for you. Cut back on alcohol intake, stop smoking, eat plenty of nutritious foods and drink plenty of water. By keeping your body healthy on the inside, you can increase the growth of your eyelashes on the outside.  

Of course, if you have suffered some sort of trauma or damage to your face or you are under enormous stress or other conditions that threaten your health, this normal growth stage can slow down or even stop. Eyelashes are hair and just like the hair on your head, if you apply harsh chemicals too often that can have a negative impact on the growth. This can usually be reversed with a little time and TLC.

If you find you are not regrowing your eyelashes you should take a trip to your doctor. This lack of growth is very likely a sign of some underlying health issue. That doesn't necessarily have to be serious, but it should be taken care of, and not just for the sake of your eyelashes.

More often than not, you can simply take some vitamins, eat better, get enough sleep and cut back on some of the garbage you put in your body and you will see an increase in growth.

So, do eyelashes grow back? Yes they do, but only if your body is healthy enough to do it's job properly. And don't forget, just like the hair on your head gets damaged with too much styling, the same can hold true for your eyelashes. If you're good to your eyelashes, your eyelashes will be good to you.


Natural Treatment Of Menopause Symptoms

Are you looking for a natural treatment of menopause symptoms? I have a few suggestions for you. Please keep in mind that these are only suggestions and there is no guarantee that your symptoms will be relieved. If you do not get any relief just keep looking for the right mix of herbal medications. You are bound to find one that works.

As we all know, every woman goes through menopause. On average, right around age 50. Some women, like me, start very early. I started with perimenopausal symptoms basically when I was thirty-eight. It wasn't anything more than a rush of hormones at that time but it did make me feel nauseous and light-headed.

I tried to talk to my doctor about menopause when I was 42 and he just laughed at me. He wasn't my doctor anymore after that. When I was 44 and started having nausea day in and day out for 2 whole months, I asked my doctor at the time if it could be hormone related and she told me I was too young without even pausing and thinking about it for a minute.

Well, I have not had to worry about my menstrual cycle now for almost two years. My last menstrual cycle was when I was 46. Too young, my behind. Doctors...what do they know?

Some things that I have learned over the past four years for the natural treatment of menopause are; alcohol and caffeine will trigger massive hot flashes, so I do not drink much anymore. Not that I did to begin with but I drink even less now and I had to give up coffee and pop to boot.

To cool down quickly when having a hot flash run cold water over your wrists and splash some on the back of your neck. Let them mostly air dry don't dry with a towel. You will feel better almost immediately.

You can try increasing your intake of foods rich in calcium and Vitamin D. These are important to decrease your chances of developing osteoporosis after menopause.

Soy products have been known to help some women with their menopausal symptoms. You can buy soy products, like soy milk, in your local grocery store.

There are herbal remedies like Black Cohosh, Valerian Root, Red Clover and some even say peppermint and licorice will help with menopausal symptoms.

It is all just been trial and error for me and no one thing has given me total relief except the one thing ordered off the internet. I took this remedy and was hot flash free in four days. I had to quit taking it though because it gave me the most incredible heartburn I have ever had in my life.

Too bad the only thing that actually worked for the hot flashes had to be bad for my stomach. I was so elated when I was hot flash free that I almost kept on taking it but the heartburn got so bad I just couldn't.

Natural treatment of menopause symptoms is put there you just have to take the time to find what works for you.


Experience Master Cleanse - Improve Your Overall Health

Are you ready to  experience master cleanse? Do you think you have the discipline to stick with this regime for several days, up to a week?  If so, than you're going to be in for a great surprise since many people have not only lost weight doing the cleanse, they've also banished so many toxins from their bodies that they've found a lot of minor ailments just cleared up and went away.

It's very common for people to report not only a fairly significant weight loss after a cleanse but also improved energy levels and overall health. Many common aches and pains seem to just disappear after doing a cleanse. This is likely due to the fact that you've flushed years of built up toxins out of your body.

Also, losing upwards of 20 lbs. has been reported by many people who have completed a cleanse. It's important that you fully understand that not all of the weight you lose will be fat, some of it will be water weight and you will regain that after you go off the cleanse and return to a more normal type diet.

Of course sticking with a purely liquid diet for days on end can be a huge challenge. It's just not easy to only drink your meals as anyone who has had to do a colonoscopy prep can testify to, but if you're able to do it you'll love the results.

The basic concept is this, you will drink only this lemonade mixture which will help clear all the buildup of toxins out of  your body, for several days up to one week. You will need to prepare for the cleanse as well as take some special steps after the cleanse.

For example, before you do the cleanse pick a start date. Make sure you have all the ingredients for the cleanse. A few days before you're going to start the cleanse, start easing off your food intake.  Instead of eating your normal heavy meals start eating lighter. Eat more soups, salads, and fish or poultry. The point is you want to get your body used to having fewer calories since this will make it easier to stick to the cleanse.

When you begin the cleanse all you will drink is the lemonade recipe, some tea and water. No solid foods while you are on the cleanse. You can take an all natural laxative daily while on the cleanse.

If you have underlying health issues or you start to feel dizzy, sick to your stomach, or any other side effects talk to your doctor immediately.  When you have finished the cleanse, you will want to slowly add solid foods to your diet. Take several days and only add juice and broth for the first day. Than some light salad or soup and then back to normal meals.

Don't forget, normal meals doesn't mean fast food or sweets. If you do that you'll just gain back all the fat you've lost and that would be a waste of time to
 experience master cleanse.


Weight Gain Menopause - You Can Avoid It

How do you stop weight gain menopause from ruining your life? Just like any other weight loss plan, you have to choose what is right for you and stick to it. You may need to make some changes if you want to get and stay thin and healthy.

For one week, keep a food journal and see for yourself in black and white what kinds of things you put in your mouth on a daily basis. You may be surprised at the things you eat. After you have kept your food journal for a week then you can make whatever changes you need to and start to eat healthy meals.

Portion control is important. We all know that good food tastes good and we go back for seconds almost unconsciously. You need to stay conscious about what you are doing with food, especially after menopause.

If you do not want to be one of the 2/3 of women in menopause who gain upwards of 15 pounds, then make the changes your body needs you to make. This includes some form of daily exercise.

Walking, biking, jogging, playing tennis, swimming or whatever floats your boat, just get out there and do it. You won't be as fast as you were when you were young or have the rhythm and coordination you used to. But, the more you do whatever it is you do, the better you will get at it and when you get to be in better shape you will no longer have to worry about weight gain menopause.

weight gain is caused by a number of factors that can be overcome whenever you want to overcome them. Overeating is one reason and that can be overcome by watching your portions at every meal as I have explained above.

Weight gain is caused by decreased physical activity. All that needs to be done to overcome this is to get regular exercise on a daily basis. Make a pact with yourself and try hard not to let yourself down. You will be the only one who suffers. Start slow if you have to and work your way up to a nice moderate level routine.

A couple of things to watch out for when learning to pace yourself during a work out, you should be able to carry on a casual conversation with your work out partner during your work out. If you cannot then you are probably working too hard and should slow done a bit. And you should be perspiring slightly when you are done with your work out

Another factor of weight gain is hormones and this is what we are talking about here today. Hormones produced by the ovaries are waning and the hormones produced by other glands in the body get confused. Metabolism slows down and we just don't burn the fuel we put in our bodies like we used to. Weight gain menopause is a gradual thing and before you know it you are considered obese.


Treatment For Male Menopause - Yep - Male Andropause

Treatment for male menopause, or Andropause, focuses on increasing the amounts of testosterone and cortisol and treating the symptoms. Symptoms can be much like those experienced by women.

Other symptoms or physiological factors that can be present in men are - erectile dysfunction, loss of muscle mass, decreased sex drive, mood changes, weight gain, urinary problems caused by an enlarging prostate, hot flashes, the development of breast tissue due to the decrease of testosterone, hair loss, irritable male syndrome, sleep apnea, and depression.

As men reach the age of 40 the production of the hormone testosterone is gradually decreased over time and can result in male menopause symptoms. Since these symptoms can also be related to other conditions it is best to consult your doctor and have some tests run to rule out the other conditions.

Testosterone is important not only for building muscle and maintaining a normal sex drive but plays a part in several functions like bone formation, liver function, growth of the prostate gland and the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow.

Diagnosis of male menopause is made by blood tests and one treatment for male menopause is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Obviously, there are risks as well as benefits to this type of treatment and hormone declines can be treated easily.

Treatment includes not only the testosterone replacement but also an individualized nutrition plan along with supplements and a regular exercise plan. You don't have to feel older than you really are. With this type of treatment you can start to feel younger and more alive than you have in a long time. You can start doing the things you thought you would not be able to do anymore.

According to the US Census Bureau, approximately 5 million men have low testosterone  and the symptoms that go along with it. But only 5-10% of these men will go to their doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

This is because most men believe that any decline in sexual function or any of the other symptoms related to Andropause are just signs of normal aging. This is far from the truth. It is not normal to feel depressed all the time, can't sleep or have gained so much weight in such a short time.

If you just do not feel like yourself there is help out there for you. All you have to do is realize that something may be wrong and then make an appointment to see your doctor to discuss your symptoms and get some tests run. No big deal and probably worth the effort if you could start to feel like yourself again.

This is what used to be called having a midlife crisis. Men would all of a sudden leave their wives of 25 years and find a girlfriend in her 20's or go buy a motorcycle or fancy sports car to try to compensate for the feelings they are feeling. Research and studies and testing have shown that testosterone is the culprit and treatment for male menopause is probably saving many marriages.


Treatment For Female Hair Loss - Healthy Diet Helps

If you need treatment for female hair loss your first step is to talk to your doctor. If your hair loss happens to have a medical cause your doctor can determine what that cause is and prescribe the best treatment for you.

That treatment may be a simple as telling you to go buy some Rogaine over the counter and following the directions on the bottle. Rogaine is usually rubbed into the scalp twice each day and is best for the condition known as female pattern baldness. Rogaine inhibits the production of a certain hormone called DHT that kills off hair follicles and causes balding in both men and women.

Women never used to get the attention they deserved when it came to hair loss. But times have changed and now women have almost as many options as men do when it comes to treating hair loss. No more hiding under a wig. Some products for men should not be taken or even handled by women of child bearing years because they can cause severe birth defects. So if you are losing your hair do not think that you can use any old thing that the guys do because they can be very harmful to you and your unborn child.

If your doctor determines that the cause of your hair loss has some other origin, say like, thyroid dysfunction, called hypothyroidism, liver disease, or God forbid, cancer then treatment will have to be more aggressive and treat the underlying cause. Getting your thyroid under control is nothing more than taking a pill everyday. Liver disease may need more extensive treatment and cancer treatment will actually make your hair fall out.

Other treatments include herbal remedies you can try to strengthen hair and stimulate hair growth. Research has come a long way when it comes to finding natural treatment for female hair loss. Women no longer have to rely on wearing wigs everyday to hide their hair loss. They can use these treatments and re-grow their own natural hair.

Treatment does not need to consist of harsh chemical compounds. There are plenty of herbal products that you can research and use without worrying about what you are putting in or on your body.

Making sure that your diet is rich in vitamins and minerals is important also. If you are deficient in any number of vitamins or minerals this can lead to hair loss as well. You can ask your doctor to do some blood work if you suspect that you are lacking a specific vitamin or mineral.  This can usually be corrected with improving your diet or taking a good multi-vitamin or herbal supplement.

Treatment for female hair loss is becoming more and more common in the medical community and even if there are not as many treatments for women as there are for men, there are still more than there used to be. So, ladies, throw away those wigs and re-grow your own beautiful, full head of hair.


Pre Menopause Symptoms - Self Help Tips

If you think you are in pre menopause symptoms you should look for are irregular periods to start off with because the hormones that have been managing your period like clockwork for the last 30 years have now gone berserk and love to cause havoc to your system.

You may start to feel minor hot flashes that only last a couple of seconds or you may notice that you wake up in the middle of the night sometimes absolutely drenched in sweat. Night sweats occur often and usually signify then onset of other pre menopause symptoms.

People close to you may notice that your mood swings are happening more frequently and are more severe than usual. Being irritable for no reason and snapping when someone approaches you could be a sign of pre menopause. If you enter a room and the people in the room get up and tip-toe out you may be pre menopausal.

When you do have a period, and as time passes they will get fewer and farther between, the premenstrual symptoms you experience may be worsened by pre menopause.

Other symptoms include sudden cravings, depression, nausea, headaches, decline in sex drive, breast tenderness and anxiety. Now doesn't that just brighten your day? Seriously!

Some women will never experience any of these symptoms and then there are the women, like me, who have experienced every single blasted one of these symptoms at one point or another. Sometimes on a really good day they all converge and gang up on me all at once. At that point all you can do is duck and cover and hope for the best.

I do not know how many times I have asked the various people who are closest to me to shoot me in the head because I just can't take it anymore. They refuse to do it. So I am relegated to being a pissed off, sweaty, b-word for the next 5 or 6 years because pre menopause can last up to 10. Yes, I said 10! 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10! Where's the fair in that, I ask you?

Oh well, by the way, there are some things you can do for yourself that will help things go a little smoother and they are, keep your diet well-balanced and get some exercise daily. Even if it is just a walk around the block. Drink plenty of water, and we all know what the recommendation on that is, don't we? Stay away from caffeinated drinks, diet drinks with aspartame, quit smoking, and cut down on your alcohol consumption. Try to reduce the stress in your life. I have noticed that stress is a big trigger and alcohol will trigger a hot flash that will bowl you over like a tsunami.

Look into herbal supplements that can help relieve your symptoms. Go talk to the person who runs your local health food store and see if they can give you some advice on what to take. There are also a few over the counter medications that you can ask your doctor or pharmacist about to relieve your pre menopause symptoms.


How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores Fast

Herpes simplex 1 is the virus behind cold sores. Up to 80% of the population has this virus in their body, though it is dormant for much of the time. Anyone who has ever had a painful, and ugly, outbreak has one main question that they want answered: how to get rid of cold sores fast. Even though cold sores don't last forever, it can seem that way sometimes.  But there are some things you can do to make life a little easier.

Of course the best thing to do is to not get an outbreak to begin with.  Make sure you keep your immune system strong by getting enough sleep, eating properly and washing your hands frequently. None of these things will guarantee that you won't get a cold sore, but they sure can help.

It's also a good idea to avoid using personal items from anyone who has an active outbreak. Steer clear of razors, toothbrushes, glasses, lipstick, etc. You'll also want to keep the kissing to a minimum, sorry.

Cold sores will be more likely to rear their ugly little heads when you are over stressed or over tired. Try to keep balance in your life (not always easy I know) and you might be able to avoid some outbreaks.

Once you've got a cold sore the only thing you can think of is how to get rid of cold sores fast. The sooner you start treating your cold sore the sooner you can be rid of it.

Here are some ideas:

1. Keep the area around the cold sore dry and clean. Cold sores love a moist environments so by keeping the area clean and dry you are depriving it of what it needs to make it's self at home. 

2. As soon as you get an outbreak, get a new toothbrush. The moist toothbrush can actually harbor more of the virus. Also, don't forget that if your toothbrush has come into contact with the tube of toothpaste, make sure you replace that too.

3. Taking a supplement to help keep yourself strong might also help you quicken the recovery time. You may not totally stop an outbreak, but you might be able to hasten it's departure.

4. Herbal remedies like lemon balm, echinacea and tea tree oil can also help the healing when applied to the affected area.

5. Learn to deal with stressful situations by learning to meditate, or do yoga, or whatever it is that will help you keep balance in your life.

Remember, that most of us have this virus in our system, many of us have had since we were kids, so we just have to learn how to live with it. Dong everything possible to keep your body healthy and avoiding an outbreak in the first place is the first step. But if, despite your best efforts, you still get a cold sore, there are some simple things you can do to learn how to get rid of cold sores fast.


Are Cold Sores Contagious - You Bet

Are cold sores contagious, you may be wondering. It's bad enough to have unsightly and painful cold sores,  but no one wants to spread them to their friends and family ( and no one who knows someone with a cold sore wants to get one themselves). The answer to that question is yes, cold sores are very contagious. Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus which can be contracted early in life and will remain in the body throughout their life since there is no known cure. Most people will come into contact with the virus while still a child.

Though this virus will remain in a dormant stage for the vast majority of time, it's still possible, though not really likely, to pass it on to others. The highest risk of getting a cold sore from someone else is when they have an ongoing active lesion that is 'weeping' or pus filled. 

The actual cold sore will generally start with a small tingling sensation that will evolve into a bump which will eventually evolve into a lesion. You can spread cold sores not only to others but to other parts of your own body too. You can rub your lip than rub your eyes, for example.

The good news is that now that you have the answer to your question: Are Cold Sores Contagious,  you can prevent spreading it to others, and you can increase your chances of not getting it, with a few simple precautions:

1. Since you can actually infect other people with the HSV1 Virus,even if there is no active outbreak, it's very important that you wash your hands frequently. This is especially true right after you've come into contact with someone else.

2. Never share personal care items such as razors and toothbrushes since this is one very common way for the virus to be transferred. When someone has an outbreak don't share drinking glasses or give them a bite of your food (or take a bite of theirs).

3. Avoiding kissing anyone who has an active outbreak - an actual cold sore (it is still possible to get the virus even if the outbreak isn't currently active, but you can't spend your whole life not kissing your loved ones!).

4. Everyone will have their own unique tolerances to deflect infections. Some people simply don't seem to get sick as often or as easily as others. It can never hurt to make sure you keep your body as healthy as possible. that will increase the likelihood of being able to fight off infections. Get plenty of sleep, stay hydrated, avoid too much caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol, in short, take care of your body and your body will take care of you.

Cold sores can be just a nasty part of life, and while the answer to the question:
Are cold sores contagious, is yes, don't worry. By keeping your immune systems strong by taking good care of yourself and eating well you can decrease the chances you'll have an outbreak. If you do, just be careful that you don't spread it to others by taking some simple precautions during the outbreak.


Fast And Easy Hairdos For The Career Woman

Whether we like it or not, we live in a society that judges us based our outward appearance. Luckily, there are steps we all can take to look better.So whether your goal is better hair, better skin, better makeup, or just an overall better appearance, this article is here to help!

If you need to soak up extra oil in your T-Zones, you can use blotting papers to quickly give your face a more matte appearance. These sheets often come in small, pocket-sized packets; many are offered with rice powder or in a powder-free option. The packets are very cheap and can be slipped into your purse or desk drawer.

Create the illusion of less deep-set eyes by using lightly colored eyeshadow to the entire eyelid. The light colors will appear to come forward, whereas a darker liner or shadow would have the reverse affect, making the eyes appear to recede further into the face. The color you apply should be light and very subtle.

Since unwanted facial hair can be embarrassing, remove it. You can easily do this yourself by using wax or tweezers. Or, you can have it done at a salon by a professional. Either way is an easy solution to help you feel better about your appearance.

Make your skin more beautiful by eating fruit. If you have a sweet tooth, and satiate it with sugar, you can quickly see it on your skin. You can feed your sweet tooth, and your skin, by eating sweet fruit in place of anything sugary. When you do this, your skin won't be the only beneficiary.

Put some honey in your makeup bag. Honey has many beauty benefits and is great for your skin. When exfoliating your skin, mix honey with sugar. Adding honey to your lotion will increase moisture retention. Add honey to the shampoo for maximum softness and a nice shine.

When you want the added beauty of curled lashes, and do not want to hassle with getting them to set, try this: before you use the curler, apply a thin coat of mascara to your lashes. Then while your lashes are still wet, use the curler. Doing this will allow you to curl your eyelashes faster and easier.

Exfoliating your body prior to applying tanning lotion or spending time in a tanning bed will extend the life of your tan! Since skin sheds, it's best to do as much of it as possible before getting that great tan so you can keep the glorious glow even longer! Any natural exfoliant applied a day or two before tanning will do!

Choose your eyeshadow based on your eye color to make your eye makeup really pop. If your eyes are blue, shades of brown are the most flattering. For brown eyes, try purple shadows like lavender or plum. If your eyes are green, golden shades are very flattering, as are many shades from the brown family.

To keep your hair from tangling while you sleep, use a silk pillowcase! A silk pillowcase is gentle on your hair and will allow it to lay smoothly on the pillow as you rest. You'll wake up with your hair looking great! If you don't have a silk pillowcase, you can lay a silk scarf across the pillow.

In today's society, much of how we are treated depends on what we look like. The fact is that what we look like is important, whether we agree with it or not, and the good news is that there are things we can do to enhance our overall physical appearance. Just apply some of the tips found here and it will help a lot!


Dance For Fitness Grace Beauty And Poise

Caring for your skin and how you look is going to make a difference in your appearance today and for many years to come. If you take the time to follow some quality beauty tips, you are going to find out some things about skin care and beauty products that you did not know but will help you out.

A great tip when it comes to beauty is to not overdue the makeup. Often times novices have a tendency to put on too much make up and as such make themselves look worse. Use makeup sparingly, and you'll find you will be turning guys heads everywhere you go.

Exfoliating the skin on your face is highly beneficial. Even if you have very sensitive or dry skin, you can use gentle exfoliation up to three times weekly -- any less will not reveal the true benefits of the plump, healthy skin cells that lie underneath your top layer of skin cells. Doing so will give your face a healthy glow, and keep oils and dirt from building up.

Unless you are suffering from severe acne, you should be sure to use a moisturizer that includes emollients, which help your skin to soak up moisture from the environment. Other ingredients, such as humectants, can actually attract moisture to the skin. Dry skin would benefit from a moisturizer with a heavy, creamy consistency.

Use a face mask at least once a week. Depending on which one you choose, this will help remove impurities from your face. A mud or clay mask is best for removing impurities. You will see results immediately. Once you find a mask you like, you should stick with it.

Select a curling iron, one size smaller than the curls you desire. This will help to ensure that your curls don't get limp or fall out after you put all the work into curling them. They will be a little tight at first but after you finish, gently run your fingers through them to break them up, and then hair spray to perfection.

Even your hairstyle and color can be adjusted to make a full face appear more slender and narrow. A haircut with long streaks can help create a slender look for your appearance. Try putting in a few high lights that fall around your face. These are especially flattering and draw the attention to your facial features.

Use a misting spray to set makeup. After you are finished fully making up your face, lightly mist yourself with a sprayer. This will set your makeup, keeping it in place longer before requiring you to touch it up. This is perfect for long nights out or events such as weddings.

For beautiful nails, put top coat on top of your nail polish every time. Topcoat will not only keep your nails looking shiny, it will extend the length of time between polishing. Avoid substituting clear nail polish for topcoat as it is not the same product, and will not provide the same benefit.

In order to facilitate skin enhancement, use a dry, soft brush on the skin prior to showering in order to stimulate the oil glands. Start at your toes and, in a circular fashion, work upwards to your scalp.

Hopefully, you have learned a few things that will help you in your beauty routines. With so many tips to learn and to follow, you are sure to get the results that you seek by following at least some of them. The use of the right products and these tips is going to make you feel as pretty as you look.


Master Cleanse Weight Loss - Rinse Away Body Fat

Master cleanse weight loss has been touted all over the internet as the best way to lose a lot of fat and toxins quickly and easily.  But how do you do it and does it really work? Well, according to thousands of people who've done it the answer is yes, it does work, and quite well too.

Not only does this diet allow you a quick weight loss of up to 20 lbs., but it can also, and maybe more importantly, help you clear out your system of all the years of built up and dangerous (and potentially deadly) toxins. We all have a buildup of toxins in our bodies. Every thing we eat and drink can potentially be exposed to chemicals.

When you combine various chemicals in your body you run the very real risk of 'overdosing' your body with all these chemicals. The problems associated with these chemicals can be minor to headaches and feelings of fatigue to much more serious such as rashes and high blood pressure or even heart disease.

To do the cleanse you will need to commit to a few days up to one week where you won't eat any solid food. You will drink the lemonade mixture and water or broth. That's it. It's not easy to do, you will need a lot of discipline and a huge commitment to make this work.

For that reason it's best to prepare for the cleanse ahead of time. Don't just jump into it on the spur of the moment, if you do; it's very likely that you'll fail. It's much better to get your head around the  concept.  For example, several days before you're going to start the cleanse, start eating lighter meals. Eat more fish, chicken and soup or salad. That way you'll get your body ready to eat less food.

Make sure to take the time after the cleanse to slowly build back up to solid foods. If you try and run out and eat a huge, heavy meal right after the cleanse, you'll make yourself very sick. Instead add a few things such as juice and soup slowly over a day or two. Than you can add more items until you've gotten to the point where you're eating regular meals again. You can do this cleanse every month, if you want to.

To make the cleanse lemonade you will need lemons, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water. You can make a pitcher at a time (enough for one day) or a glass at a time, it's up to you. Just try to use only organic and fresh ingredients. There is no point adding more chemicals back into your system during the cleanse.

Using the master cleanse weight loss can be a great two for one. You can lose weight and lose a lot of harmful toxins from your body at the same time. Just make sure that you take some time beforehand to prepare yourself mentally and physically. This isn't  the easiest diet to do.


Help Heal And Prevent Back Pain With This Advice

If you are one of the thousands of Americans who are suffering from daily back pain then you know just how debilitating and depressing it can be. It is a very difficult ailment to live with, however there are a few excellent tips, which if applied carefully can give a lot of relief. Here's some of them:

Whenever you are doing certain household tasks, try standing on one leg because this helps build your core back muscles. You should alternate your legs every thirty seconds, and this will help ensure an equal and balanced muscle growth in your back and legs for the support that you need.

In order to help prevent back pain from occurring, make sure you use chairs properly. For example, many office chairs have controls for adjusting the height and position of the seat back part of the chair. Utilize these controls to ensure you are getting the most comfortable, back-friendly position possible when using these chairs.

If you sit for long periods of time, keep your feet slightly elevated on a stool or on a stack of books. Doing this will help keep your back aligned correctly and keep pressure from building. Make sure to take breaks, as well and work out those muscles.

Make sure you drink enough water. The human body is primarily water, including our muscles and the discs in our spines. Getting enough water helps increase the size of the intervertebral discs, which will keep your spine flexible and reduce your back pain. You really can't drink too much water.

When moving heavy objects such as furniture, push it rather than pull it. Pulling on a heavy object places much strain on your back and spine. Pushing transfers this effort to your stomach muscles and your shoulders, which can handles the strain better than can the muscles in your back.

Many times taking an over the counter pain medicine will help ease back pain. You may have to take it for a couple days, and then you will notice the pain is gone. Make sure you read the directions to the pills very carefully, and don't take to much thinking it will work faster.

Some people have to work and stand for long hours at a time. If you must do this, then make sure you try and stand tall and straight. Try and allow your legs to rest too from time to time if possible, perhaps on a stool or bench if you are allowed to do that.

Back pain got you down get up and move. Sitting still or lying down will cause your muscles to stiffen and tighten up. Although you shouldn't twist or turn try doing some safe exercises at least 15 minutes a day; consult your doctor to see what exercisers are safe for you and your back.

By following the tips that you have read in this article you should be able to get some badly needed relief. Give the straegies time to work. You are also advised to continue to work with your doctor, and check with him if you have any doubts about the suitability of any of these tips in your case.


Top Allergy Advice Straight From The Experts

Every spring, millions of people suffer from sneezing, coughing, and other respiratory problems, thanks to allergy season. Their noses become stuffy and they have sinus pressure, all thanks to particles in the air. If you are one of these people, then you will probably benefit greatly from the following allergy tips.

Limit the amount of throw rugs you have around your home. They can gather dust, dirt, pollen, pet dander, and other allergens. If you do have throw rugs around the home, make sure they are washable. You can do this every week when you are cleaning your home.

With so many allergens in the air, it can be hard to pinpoint the most likely culprit for your allergic symptoms. Most people just assume that pollen is to blame. Actually, it could be anything from lawn fertilizer, to local wildlife, and native plants. In these cases, it is easy to become discouraged when one experiences an allergic reaction even during days with a low pollen count. An allergy test can help you to get to the bottom of your symptoms.

Getting rid of carpeting in your home can help your allergies because carpeting often traps a lot of allergens. Check under your carpeting and you may find that you have beautiful hard wood floors hiding underneath. You may like the look better and it will be better for your health and your family's health.

Most people who are allergic to animal dander assume that dogs, and cats are the only pets that can cause problems in the home. With the exception of fish, reptiles, and amphibians, dander is universal among popular household critters. Ferrets, hamsters, mice, and birds are as likely to trigger an allergic reaction. Keep this in mind as you shop for your next pet.

When looking at your local weather forecast, if you see that pollen is going to be high, take your allergy medication in advance. Why wait until pollen gets too bad to take your medication? Instead, take it in advance, so that you do not have to suffer when going outdoors for the day.

As stated before in this article, allergy seasons affects the respiratory systems of millions around the country, causing them a great deal of stress and frustration as they deal with their symptoms. You don't have to deal with this, as you can use the tips from this article to stop allergy season, dead in its tracks.


Master Cleanse Ingredients - Losing Unwanted Body Fat

With only 4 master cleanse ingredients it's easy to make this 'lemonade'. The mixture works exceptionally well at helping you detoxify your body while losing some unwanted body fat. In 10 days you can be healthier, less toxic, and lighter. But, it's not going to be easy, you're going to need to be very motivated and disciplined if you want to get through the cleanse successfully.

Before you even attempt the cleanse you should take some time to get yourself ready for the experience. There are a few things that you can do that will greatly increase the chances that you'll get through the whole 10 days. First things first though, for those of you who aren't familiar with the master cleanse, it's simply a 10 day liquid diet that washes excess body fat and toxins from your body.

You mix up a lemonade mixture which will be your primary source of nutrition for the cleanse. If that gets too boring you can add tea, water, and clear broth, but that's it. No solid food at all. In preparation make sure you cut way back on the calories you take in for a day or two before you start the cleanse. You should also make sure you stay well hydrated before, during and after the cleanse.

Make sure you talk to your doctor first if you have any health issue or are taking any medications.  If you feel dizzy, sick to your stomach or disoriented, stop the cleanse and call your doctor. 

You may want to start a journal so you can record the changes in your body. You will urinate more and have more frequent bowel movements, this is all good. It's a sign that the toxins are being flushed out of your body.

It's not uncommon for people to feel a little bit worse the first few days of the cleanse. This is because all the toxins are working their way out of your body.  It shouldn't last the whole 10 days, it usually gets better by about day 4.

As important as the preparation is before the cleanse, what you do after the cleanse is also very important. If you try and go out and splurge on a big meal when you're done with the cleanse you'll most likely make yourself sick. You should slowly start introducing solid foods back into your diet over a period of days.

Start with light foods like salad and soup and work your way up, slowly, to more filling foods like meat and carbohydrates.  Of course once you've detoxed your body, there's really no reason you have to add things like tobacco and caffeine back into your diet at all. If you can, just stop ingesting toxins.  That also goes for excess amounts of sugar.

Here are the ingredients you'll need to make a pitcher of the cleanse. Do this every morning and you can get a glass whenever you want to during the day:

12 Tablespoons each of fresh squeezed lemon juice and maple syrup, 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper and 60 ounces of water. Just mix all these master cleanse ingredients together in a pitcher and you're ready to go.


Keeping Allergies At Bay With These Simple Tricks

If you are suffering from those dreaded allergies and looking for some relief, then you have come to the right place. There are many things you can do to which can help lessen your problems with allergies. The following article contains a number of helpful tips that will show you what you can do to alleviate your suffering.

If you suffer from allergies, it is important to keep your home clean and vacuumed to remove allergens from carpets and floors. But, did you know that your vacuum not only sucks up allergens, it blows some of them right back out! Let someone without allergies do the vacuuming, or at least wear a dust mask if you have to do it yourself.

When traveling in a car, use the air conditioning, and keep the windows closed. This will help seal the allergens out of your car if you need to travel during allergy season. Make sure you set your air conditioner on its recirculate setting, so that you are not bringing in outside air. Aim the vents so they do not blow into your face.

People who have severe allergic reactions need to call 911 when they feel the symptoms coming on. This is the best and quickest way to get help and ensure that you do not end up in a more critical condition. Allergic reactions can come on fast, and some can even lead to death, so take the proper measures to get help quickly.

If you have allergies and are facing yard work, protect yourself with a mask! Any inexpensive painter's mask will help to keep pollen from the grass and flowers from bothering you. Wear one whenever you have to kick up leaves, mow the lawn or trim hedges, and you should reduce the symptoms you experience.

If you feel as though you are having issues with dust and dust mites in your mattress, there are mattress sealers available to you. You can put your whole mattress in the plastic. With your sheets, you should never notice the difference of the plastic sheet being there at all.

As you can see from the article above, there are a lot of simple things you can try that will provide you with relief from allergies. Make sure you follow the steps in this article, incorporate them into your own life, and soon you will see yourself feeling much better.


Fast And Easy Hairdos For The Career Woman

Whether we like it or not, we live in a society that judges us based our outward appearance. Luckily, there are steps we all can take to look better.So whether your goal is better hair, better skin, better makeup, or just an overall better appearance, this article is here to help!

If you need to soak up extra oil in your T-Zones, you can use blotting papers to quickly give your face a more matte appearance. These sheets often come in small, pocket-sized packets; many are offered with rice powder or in a powder-free option. The packets are very cheap and can be slipped into your purse or desk drawer.

Create the illusion of less deep-set eyes by using lightly colored eyeshadow to the entire eyelid. The light colors will appear to come forward, whereas a darker liner or shadow would have the reverse affect, making the eyes appear to recede further into the face. The color you apply should be light and very subtle.

Since unwanted facial hair can be embarrassing, remove it. You can easily do this yourself by using wax or tweezers. Or, you can have it done at a salon by a professional. Either way is an easy solution to help you feel better about your appearance.

Make your skin more beautiful by eating fruit. If you have a sweet tooth, and satiate it with sugar, you can quickly see it on your skin. You can feed your sweet tooth, and your skin, by eating sweet fruit in place of anything sugary. When you do this, your skin won't be the only beneficiary.

Put some honey in your makeup bag. Honey has many beauty benefits and is great for your skin. When exfoliating your skin, mix honey with sugar. Adding honey to your lotion will increase moisture retention. Add honey to the shampoo for maximum softness and a nice shine.

When you want the added beauty of curled lashes, and do not want to hassle with getting them to set, try this: before you use the curler, apply a thin coat of mascara to your lashes. Then while your lashes are still wet, use the curler. Doing this will allow you to curl your eyelashes faster and easier.

Exfoliating your body prior to applying tanning lotion or spending time in a tanning bed will extend the life of your tan! Since skin sheds, it's best to do as much of it as possible before getting that great tan so you can keep the glorious glow even longer! Any natural exfoliant applied a day or two before tanning will do!

Choose your eyeshadow based on your eye color to make your eye makeup really pop. If your eyes are blue, shades of brown are the most flattering. For brown eyes, try purple shadows like lavender or plum. If your eyes are green, golden shades are very flattering, as are many shades from the brown family.

To keep your hair from tangling while you sleep, use a silk pillowcase! A silk pillowcase is gentle on your hair and will allow it to lay smoothly on the pillow as you rest. You'll wake up with your hair looking great! If you don't have a silk pillowcase, you can lay a silk scarf across the pillow.

In today's society, much of how we are treated depends on what we look like. The fact is that what we look like is important, whether we agree with it or not, and the good news is that there are things we can do to enhance our overall physical appearance. Just apply some of the tips found here and it will help a lot!
