Do You Think One Of Theses Solutions Can Solve Your Weight Loss or Health Problem ?

How to Master Your Weight Loss Permanently

Losing weight can be simple for some yet extremely difficult for others. Basically to lose your extra weight you will need to eat fewer calories than you burn. This can be done by increasing your activity level and reducing the amount of calories you eat. By doing this consistently you will lose weight. But let’s look at why weight loss is so hard for some people.

Losing weight requires us to change our habits, and we need to accept this is a long term change of lifestyle if we want it to be successful and keep that weight off permanently. Initially you need to decide whether reaching your weight loss goals is something you can do on your own or maybe you would find it easier with the help of a support group. There are many such support groups available and you can find one in your area by looking through your local newspaper or on the internet.

One of the problems with dieting is that many diets are unappealing which makes them hard to sustain. But there are a lot of diets around offering lots of choices and you can vary your meals enough to make them appetizing for you. Another useful tip is to eat 5 or 6 small but frequent meals during the day instead of 3 large ones.

Did you know that eating slowly can help you lose weight?  By eating slowly your brain has time to register that you are full and sends your body a message to stop before you get carried away with overeating. Remember the objective of the exercise is to be satisfied, not bursting at the seams. You can also replace some of your meals with protein shakes, but don't do this for all meals as you still need the nutrition that only whole foods can provide.

The other component of the weight loss regime apart from diet is of course exercise. its a common mistake when you first start a weight loss plan to jump into exercise routines like there is no tomorrow. That is not going to solve your problem. Mainly because you will burn out and give up, unless you are extremely fit to start with.

You need to work out an exercise plan that you can follow and stick with. If you are not an exercise person try starting off with something you enjoy such as walking, dancing or swimming. These are known as cardio exercises and are good for fat burning, To develop an overall plan you should consider factoring in some weight lifting routines as these replace fat with muscle.

Last but not least it is important to drink lots of water, and get plenty of sleep. Put these two things together with a good healthy eating and exercise plan and you are well on the way to getting rid of those unhealthy pounds.

On a final note try to remember everyone is different, and that means they will lose weight at different rates, even though they may follow exactly the same process. Don't compare yourself to someone else just continue to follow your own weight loss goals it will happen for you if you are persistent and stay focused.


How I Was Able to Lose Weight After My Baby Was Born

After my second baby was born, I worked really hard to lose all of the weight I had gained. I tried a few things and was able to see results. I was so happy that I was able to lose the weight.

The first thing that I did was I quit driving when I didn't need to. I walked everywhere. I had a double stroller that I could put my two young kids in. I walked to the grocery store, to my friend's house and even to the doctor's office.

I was walking between 2-3 hours a day. I started to see results pretty quickly. It was hard to get started but once I got into the routine of walking, it came easily to me. It got to the point that I would go weeks without driving my car.

In addition to walking I also decided to give up soda. I had heard that soda is a big reason people can't lose any weight. I think it really worked for me because I saw an even bigger difference when I gave up drinking it.

The number on the scale was going down quickly but in addition to losing weight I also wanted to become a healthier person. Since I had two little kids I wanted to teach them about how to eat healthy. I started replacing a few different foods that I normally liked to eat.

For breakfast I replaced my typical meal of cereal and a muffin. I felt like that was too many carbs at once. I started making a smoothie every morning. I usually put in strawberries, bananas and yogurt. I also sometimes added a protein mix.

For lunch I tried to avoid fast food. If I had to get fast food I would order a salad. It was hard at first but once I stopped eating it, I really didn't want it anymore. I knew how much healthier I was eating.

For dinner I would have a normal meal but I would put less carbs and more vegetables on my plate. This wasn't hard because I do like a lot of different types of vegetables. I would also make my children little plates of what I was eating.

After about six months I looked like a different person. I had lost about 20lbs and was a couple of sizes smaller. I was so proud of myself. I rewarded myself with a trip to the mall to buy some new clothes.

Losing all of that weight wasn't easy but I am glad I was able to do it. I am now at my goal weight and intend to stay there for the rest of my life. I do not want to be overweight ever again.

If I have a friend who wants to lose weight, I just tell them to go for it. I tell them that it is worth it. That once they do it they will feel so good about themselves that they will know what a good decision it was.


Hidden Dangers Of Rapid Weight Loss

Weight loss is a big issue for an important part of the American population. Even from young age we are subject to temptations such a fast food, sweets and carbonated soft drinks, which are poor in nutrients but rich in sugar, preservatives and empty calories. Once an individual passes a certain weight limit, controlling it becomes practically impossible. This is where the diet struggle begins.

Experience shows that many overweight people want to shed their pounds as fast as possible. The most determined ones will starve themselves, hoping they will regain the looks they once had. Those persons ignore the fact that by starvation, the body is deprived of those nutrients that are needed to support life. This is how they can develop severe anemia or other nutritional illnesses. When this happens, they resort to doctors who put them back on real food. Soon, they return to their unhealthy eating habits and the pounds return, many times even in bigger numbers.

What is it considered rapid weight loss? Traditional diets state that everything that's more than 2 pounds a week is considered rapid. The calculation is based on the conversion of pounds into calories. If a weight loss program assumes a calorie deficit bigger than 1000 calories per day, it will be very hard to compensate with exercise, therefore the person won't be able to secure the minimum amount of nutrients the body needs.

It's funny what people would do to lose a few pounds as fast as a couple of days. They have short term objectives. For instance, a girl might want to lose a three-four pounds from Monday to Sunday, because she's going to a date or a party and she wants to fit inside a certain dress she loves. For that matter, she'd starve herself for five days, without considering she might harm her stomach or even trouble her metabolism. If she doesn't make sure she drinks enough water, she might also experience dehydration. This is a big price to pay for simply fitting into a dress.

A long term low protein diet will cause malnutrition. It will also lead to diminishing the muscular mass, because the body will consume its own protein when it doesn't find it in the food. Protein is found in muscles. When you lose weight, you want to get rid of the fat, but keep your muscular mass intact. This is why you need a minimum protein intake no matter what diet you choose.

Experience shows that rapid weight loss significantly increases the risk of developing gallstones. This risk occurs whether or not the weight loss is intentional. If it is unintentional, a visit to a physician is recommended as soon as you notice it, even if you were overweight, so losing weight without doing anything for it seems awesome.

There might be situations when rapid weight loss is actually needed and recommended by a doctor. Weight loss surgery, for instance, may require the patient to lose a significant amount of weight in order to become eligible. However, such cases will always be closely monitored by doctors, so the risk of developing secondary conditions is minimized.

If you were just thinking to start some rapid weight loss diet, consider talking to your doctor first. Your body will thank you.


Helping Your Teen to Lose Weight

You probably remember what it was like to be a teenager. You probably felt awkward, embarrassed and weren't sure how to feel about your developing body, especially if you were a girl. That is why it is important for you today, as a parent, to do what you can in order to help your daughter if she wants to lose weight. Here are some ideas you can use to make sure that you help her lose weight while remaining supportive.

The first thing you want to do is to make sure that she knows that weight loss isn't your idea. It can be very damaging to a teenager for her parent to feel that she is "fat". You have to make sure that she views you as a supportive person in her life, not as a taskmaster or someone who finds her unattractive. Make sure she knows that you love her at any size, and that you are there to help.

You definitely want to have a talk with your family doctor, to rule out any health conditions which could cause extra weight. This is also a good time to ask about calorie requirements and whether any supplements are acceptable, in case your daughter wants to use some.

Next, you have to help her get her diet under control. If one person in your home is trying to lose weight, it is only considerate to make sure that you and everyone else try to eat as healthy as possible as well. Losing weight does not mean that you have no appetite, just that the food you eat is nutritious and nourishing. Therefore, try to cook in a more healthy way as much as possible.

This is also a good time to mention that you need to make sure that she does not develop an eating disorder. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia are very dangerous disease that millions of girls succumb to every year. Don't let your daughter be one of them. Keep your eyes on her actions as much as you are able to. Impress upon her that she needs food to function in her life.

After you help with her diet, you need to get her exercising. Most teenagers don't like exercise unless they're athletes. The only time they run they are in gym class. Therefore, it's important that you talk with her about what physical activities she enjoys. She may want to try rock climbing, or she might like dancing. Physical activity is something that will help her whittle away the pounds.

Help her to set goals, and reward her for them. This can be a fun thing that just the two of her do. Let her dictate her own goals, within reason. And then, be her cheerleader, ready to celebrate when she meets her goals. Remember, don't reward with food.

Weight loss is a journey, so soothe her when she feels disappointed. Use the advice in this article to make sure that your daughter loses weight in a safe way that leaves her very happy.



Constipation :

Not having proper bowel movements is blamed for many illnesses and  diseases that befall us. The logic behind it stating thatshould the  waste products from our bodily functions be retained in the body, for longer than what nature intends, it will cause toxins to be absorbed back into the system.

As we age our bodies produce less and start to lag behindin the manufacture of digestive acids (hydrochloric acid), pepsin and digestive enzymes - which can cause constipation. When we add fiber to our diet, such as the pectin in apple cider vinegar, we assist our body by having regular bowel movements and proper elimination.

Cramps :

If you have never woken up in the middle of the night with cramps tearing through your calves, feet or legs, you would not understand the agony. A useful remedy to assist with this is to takeapple cider


The cider vinegar and honey treatment has been used effectively in the treatment for colitis. Take the normal dosage of two teaspoons cider vinegar and honey with water, three times a day. An enema of a
teaspoonful or more of molasses is also very helpful.


There are many types of coughs for various reasons, and these should be treated with reference to their nature and intensity. However, the cider vinegar and honey treatment will prove an efficacious treatment
in this respect. Two teaspoons of cider vinegar and two of honey mixed with a glassful of water should be taken before meals, or when the irritation occurs. In the evening it would be an idea to have this mixture by your bed so that it can be sipped during the evening if an attack presents itself.


This disease is becoming more and more common, and there may be various reasons for this phenomena, but it must be remembered that it is not only extremely serious, but needs proper medical supervision,
and a strict adherence to dietary rules and medication, as prescribed by your medical practitioner. It is however interestingto note that added dietary fiber, such as contained in apple cider vinegar, is beneficial in controlling blood glucose levels.


It has been mentioned above how cider vinegar helps with the digestion, assimilation and elimination of food, and that it is an antiseptic to the intestines and the whole of the digestive tract. Due to its healing properties, diarrhea can be controlled in avery short time, (that is unless some serious physical disorder is apparent).
The treatment being, one teaspoonful of cider vinegarin a glass of water should be taken before and in between meals i.e. approximately six glasses during the course of the day. It should be noted, however, that diarrhea is a natural attempt on the part of the body to eliminate some poison which is irritating the digestive tract, on no account should any drugs be taken to suppress these healing symptoms - on the other hand the cider vinegar will lessen the intensity, but will allow the natural course of elimination to take place.

Depression :

Although prescribing apple cider vinegar for depression would be classed as extremely alternative, some Eastern medicines dobelieve that depression is the symptom of a "stagnant" or tired liver. If you believe in this philosophy, then apple cider vinegar would help to fight depression, since it is a great medium to help detoxify and clean the liver.

Dizziness :

Two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar together with twoteaspoons of honey in a glass of hot or cold water three times a dayshould help this annoying occurrence quite considerably. However, one should never expect instant results, as nature works slowly, yet very effectively. You will notice a lessened intensity whilst you progress.

Ear Discharg:

The treatment for this complaint, which usually occurs during childhood is: one teaspoonful of cider vinegar in a glass of water to be taken mid morning and mid afternoon. The discharge should shortly disappear.


Take the usual dosage of cider vinegar and honey in a glassful of water three times a day, with meals. An application of well diluted cider vinegar can also be applied to the skin several times daily i.e. one
teaspoonful to half a cup of water. Under no circumstances should salt be taken, as this aggravates the eczema condition considerably. There is usually a potassium deficiency in those people sufferingfrom

Eyes - Tired and Sore:

The cider vinegar therapy together with honey is the essential ingredients here. Two teaspoons of each taken in a glassful of water, three times a day. This mixture retards the onset of tired and sore eyes, which are usually apparent in later life, as it supplies them with those vital elements essential to their health and functioning.


Chronic fatigue is a warning that the body needs some attention. Most people suffering from chronic fatigue do not have enough good, sound sleep. Either they go to bed too late, or they are one of those people who just need more sleep than most. It is better to getas many hours in bed before midnight as possible. To remedy a poor quality sleep, honey is highly recommended, as it acts as a sedative to the body. Twenty minutes after thehoney has been taken into the mouth it has been digested and absorbed into the body. This is because it is a predigested sugar, which has been digested in the stomach of the honeybee, and thereforerequires no effort on the part of the human stomach for digestion.Keep the following mixture by your bedside to be taken as indicated: three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a cup of honey. Take two teaspoons of the mixture before retiring. This should induce sound sleep within an hour; if however, you have beenunable to sleep within this period repeat the dosage.


Does Fast Weight Loss Work?

While most doctors and nutritionists recommend against fast weight loss, there still are many people who are desperate enough to attempt it. If you are one of them, it is important that you go about it the right way, otherwise you could run the risk of jeopardizing your health. Your objective should be to maximize weight loss on a slow and steady basis to make sure the weight stays off permanently.

If you are trying to lose weight by reducing the amount of food you eat, it is better to limit your calorie intake slowly. Unfortunately, many people attempt to stop eating altogether in order to lose weight as fast as possible. You should not attempt this, apart from being dangerous for your health; starving yourself will result in regaining the lost pounds as soon as you start eating.

To safely and effectively lose weight that stays off, it is better to gradually cut back on the amount of food you eat, try to eat a healthy balanced diet and make sure you cut out the junk and processed fatty foods altogether.

By just cutting out the junk foods and sugary drinks you may find after a short time that the weight is coming off without you having to do much else. When you feel like snacks try substituting that chocolate bar or bag of chips for a piece of fruit.  Take a healthy packed lunch to work instead of relying on the local take away food shop, that’s the hard to resist road to temptation in indulging your taste buds.

To make your weight loss really effective it’s not enough just to diet you also need to factor in some form of exercise on a regular basis. Even if you aren’t an exercise junkie try and pick something you enjoy doing, such as cycling or swimming, even just a daily walk will help your waistline. You won’t see the results overnight but you will see them if you stick to your guns.

If you haven’t exercised for a while don’t jump in and go all out you are likely to do yourself more harm than good this way. Build your exercise level up until you reach a point where you are comfortable yet feeling the benefits. Even starting with just a 15 min walk a day will have benefits.

A common question from people trying to lose weight is: which is better exercise or dieting? The answer is a combination of both will be most effective in helping you reach your goals. By exercising you speed up your metabolism to burn calories, but you need to eat healthily to give you the energy to exercise.

Before starting any weight loss diet or exercise program you should always consult with your own doctor first and check that what you are planning is right for you. Once you get the go ahead, set your mind to accepting that you can do this and how much better you will feel once you achieve your goals.

It’s a good idea to set some goals and pin them up on your fridge or somewhere that you can see them every day. When you reach the milestones you’ve set, it makes it rewarding to continue.


Great Tips To Help With Weight Loss

When trying to lose weight, people often concentrate on the same tried and true weight loss trick over and over again.  These tips which include eating fruits and vegetables, exercising, and understanding the underlying causes of the weight gain to plan against them all do work, but there are a few more which can also help as well.  Another thing that is important to remember is that the weight did not appear overnight and it will not disappear overnight.  It will take time to lose the weight desired and it will take work to keep it off.   Here are a few tips that can help do that.

Stay away from the liquid calories.  Drinking soda or a hot chocolate will take in calories that are wasted.  These are empty calories, almost 600 before any food has been consumed.  Instead of drinking beverages like these, stick to water or tea with calorie free sweetener.  If drinking something sweet is a must, then drink the smallest size possible with fat-free milk. 

Do not try to go too fast.  Trying crash diets is a mistake.  Drastically limiting calories or only eating a certain group of foods may cause a weight loss in the short term, but the weight will come back and probably more.  If the weight loss is to last for life, then the changes need to be permanent and need to become habits that can be sustained for life.

Be smart about daily calorie intake.  Eat enough to keep the metabolism going.  This keeps the body burning calories throughout the day and prevents hunger from getting so bad the dieter is ready to eat everything in sight by the end of the day.  If calorie intake is restricted, it’s very likely that the dieter will be so hungry by the end of the day that they will want to eat much more.

Know the calorie count.  Keep track of what you’re eating and the calorie count for each item.  Research shows that those who track their calorie intake keep their weight off more successfully than those who don’t.   To track calories, it helps to measure portions which also helps with weight loss.

Weight alone is not the only thing.  As a person becomes more fit, their weight may not shift much because muscle weighs more than fat.  Also, depending upon the time of day, how hydrated they are, and various other factors, the number on the scale may not be their accurate weight.  Success cannot be measured by the scale alone.  That number should be a part of a bigger picture.  How are their clothes fitting?  Getting looser?  How are the health indicators such as cholesterol and blood pressure?  Do they have more energy?  

These are all measurements of success, each one a part and each one important.  One last thing – there should be no guilt if a dieter falls off the rails once in a while.  It happens and when it does, just get back on track and start over again.


Being in the Mood for Weight Loss

Many people eat because they are bored or they eat because they are stressed. Many people spend their lives either stressed or bored so they really find themselves in a no win situation, and gaining weight can make people become even more stressed and self conscious so they lock themselves away, become bored and keep on munching.

In order to really achieve their weight loss goals they've got to get out of this destructive routine.

Being overweight can very often start in the mind so it stands to reason that if you can get your mind healthy then a nice, slim body may follow. Aromatherapy can do a lot to help lift the mood and become less stressed, it can also help to suppress the urge of reaching to the fridge for a pick me up - you won't need a pick me up at all.

When thinking about aromatherapy and the different oils which can help your weight loss efforts it is important to remember that we are all different. Different people do react very differently to different oils - there is no one size meets all solution. Just because particular oil works for one person it really doesn't follow that it will work for everybody else.

Different oils also react differently depending upon how you use them. Oils can be inhaled, added to bathwater, massaged or burned, all of which can help to affect our moods.

The Oils Which Help Your Mood for Weight Loss

"    Cravings - if you have a sweet tooth and are constantly craving candies and cookies try the sweet smell of Vanilla oil - the sweet smell should satisfy your craving for something sweet to eat.

"    Stress - there are a number of different oils which may help to relax and calm the mind to combat stress. These include frankincense, jasmine, ylang ylang, lavender, grapefruit, geranium, rose, sandalwood, benzoin, bergamot, mandarin, vetiver and roman chamomile.

"    Uplifting - if your spirits are in need of a boost then the sunny smell of jasmine oil can really help.

"    Emotional baggage - there is nothing more likely to bring your mood down than a hefty portion of emotional baggage; many people carry it through their daily lives without even realizing that it's there. If you are bogged down with emotional baggage which is hampering your weight loss aspirations try juniper berry - it should help any baggage return firmly to where it belongs, in the past.

"    Depression - can lead to over-eating, and over-weight can very often lead to depression. The oils which can help to combat depression and therefore weight loss include lemon, grapefruit, frankincense, clary sage, jasmine, ylang ylang, orange, geranium, sandalwood, helichrysum and orange blossom.

"    Confidence - people who suffer from weight problems very often have problems with confidence issues too. Oils which may help include bay laurel, cypress, bergamot, rosemary and orange.

If you have been battling with any of these symptoms and you feel that it's hampering your weight loss goals then why not try giving some of these aromatherapy oils a go. The only thing you have to lose is those extra pounds.


A Simple Solution for Quick Weight Loss

There are effective methods for losing weight quickly. Typically, a dieter will often use the formula of consuming fewer calories each day, in an effort to lose weight. However, this brings with it many of the effects that can cause long-lasting problems.

Some of these issues include an increase in hunger pangs, which tends to increase the cravings for sugar and food. Often times this type of method will leave the individual weak because their levels of energy are extremely low. As a result, they will tend to start binging uncontrollably, which can cause more problems, in the end. Simply reducing the amount of calories consumed every day will slow down the metabolism, and cause the body to store additional fat.

Losing weight properly requires a better understanding of exactly how the body works. If the individual consumes the right amount of calories (typically 1500-2500 calories each day), of the right types of food, they can quickly lose weight. This includes eating the right types of protein, complex carbohydrates (not sugary foods) and essential fats.

By consuming the proper amount of calories each day, the body will not gain weight, or lose weight. It requires an additional trigger for weight loss to begin. This can be easily accomplished, by requiring that the body burn more calories than it consumes. This happens through routine exercise.

Exercising the Body:

There is an inherent genetic predisposition for the body not to want to physically move, when it does not have to. Every individual is fully aware that they would rather sit in front of the TV, watching a movie, than to go out for a long exhausting walk. However, the body can be trained to circumvent this natural desire to stay at rest. The entire process does not take long, and produces amazing results.

Starting Slowly:

If all an individual does is eat the right amount of foods they are supposed to every day, with the diet of highly nutritious foods, and adds minimal exercise, they will start losing weight. By eating the right amount of foods, the individual can start slowly, and go for a simple 15 minute walk during the lunch hour, or after dinner. 15 minutes of walking at a steady pace can burn off a couple hundred calories every time.

Research indicates that one pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories, meaning if a person can burn off an additional 200 calories every day, it would take just under three weeks to lose 1 pound. Now imagine that the individual walks twice as much each day. They can now burn off that same one pound of fat at half that time, and lose a pound of unwanted ugly fat in just over a week.

There is a simple solution for quick weight loss that does not include dieting. With a simple change in the foods that are consumed every day, along with adding a minimal exercise routine each day, the individual can lose upwards of four or five pounds each month, which represents 50 to 60 pounds in a year.


Beginning Your Weight Loss Journey

Losing weight is something many people struggle to do for various reasons. While body image and self-esteem are certainly oft-cited reasons, there are also many heath benefits to losing weight. The most common are reductions in risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Losing weight helps lower cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure, all of which are beneficial when regulated. Fortunately, there are several easy steps that anyone can do to begin their weight loss journey. These are small changes that anyone can make to their life which will help them skip the crash diets and begin to nourish and feed their bodies.

First, recognize that food is fuel. For many people, food has emotional stigma attached to it, which often triggers cravings. Starchy foods like pasta and sweet foods like cake are good examples of this idea. The emotional release that accompanies these foods can overshadow the detrimental affect that they have on health and wellbeing. By recognizing that food is simply fuel for your body, food ceases to have an emotional hold on you and your mind.

If you are trying to lose weight quickly, the best food to nourish your body with has been proven to be lean sources of protein, cruciferous vegetables, and complex carbohydrates like brown rice.  Since making all of these changes to your diet at once can be overwhelming and daunting, make small changes instead. A few easy swaps include brown rice instead of white rice, wheat bread instead of white, and sweet potatoes instead of regular potatoes. Remember, anything that is overly processed or contains lots of added ingredients is not going to fuel your body, it’s going to take longer to process and put more strain on the organs responsible for filtering. The most important thing to remember during this phase is that you don’t have to be perfect. In fact, most healthy eaters recommend an 80/20 split between healthy eating and splurges. If you really want a cookie, go for it, because moderation is the key here.

Now, lets talk about some easy tips for weight loss. The most common tip is to drink water. Water is an invaluable resource to the human body, as it is made up of roughly 70% water. Drinking a glass of water anytime you feel hungry can help ensure that your body isn’t confusing dehydration with hunger, which is a common problem. Another good idea is drinking water before and after a meal, which aids in digestion and helps you to feel fuller. Another tip that really seems to help dieters is to swap out large plates for smaller dishware. When plates are smaller, it appears that you have more food, and you aren’t tempted to take more to fill in the gaps on your plate. This advice is simple but can do wonders for tricking your brain.

Perhaps the most important part of beginning your weight loss journey is to find a like-minded community to join. The Internet is a great resource for this. Finding support has been proven to up your chances of success in a weight loss journey. The most important thing is to stick with it and not give up.


Burning Calories for Weight Loss

Weight loss can be really made to be quicker and easier if you help your body to burn more calories by increasing your own metabolic rate. Basically the metabolic rate (or MR) is the rate at which your body is able to burn the calories you’ve eaten. If you eat 2500 calories each day and burn 2500 calories each day your weight will remain the same. If, however, you eat 2500 calories each day and burn only 2000 calories each day you weight will increase by about 1 pound each week.

The speed of your metabolic rate is not set in stone – there are ways and means of speeding it up to help reach your weight loss targets faster.

How to Burn Calories Faster:

Speeding up the metabolic rate will help your body to burn calories faster and you to lose weight. One of the ways in which this can be achieved is by building muscle. Every extra pound of muscle you have will increase the rate that your body uses up calories by 50 per day – regular exercise like weight training can help to increase the metabolic rate by up to 15%. Metabolically active muscle burns up more calories than other types of body tissue even when you’re not doing anything. Burning calories whilst you’re sitting down – that sounds good to me!

Three twenty minute weight training sessions per week will not only help you to build muscle and burn calories faster, it will also help you to tone up and look better.

Another way to speed up the metabolic rate is to simply move more. Moving at each and every opportunity to help to increase the metabolic rate and burn those calories faster even after you have stopped moving.  Increasing your movement throughout the day doesn’t only mean walking to work or taking up running. There are plenty of ways in which you can simply move more when taking part in your daily activities and help to boost your calorie burning power;

•    Swinging your legs instead of sitting still can help

•    Tapping your feet can help too

•    Drumming your fingers can even help to increase your metabolic rate

•    Standing up and having a good stretch every now and then can help

•    Changing position

•    Moving your head back and forth, side to side

•    Making the effort to use the toilet up the stairs

•    Taking the stairs instead of the elevator

•    Walking around whilst talking on the telephone

•    Getting into the habit of clenching and releasing your muscles periodically throughout the day

•    Parking further away from work – maybe just in the furthest corner of the parking lot instead of the closed space

Other ways in which your metabolic rate can be increased to help with weight loss include eating more spicy food, particularly chilli  - your metabolic rate may increase by as much as 50% for the couple of hours following a spicy chilli, and if you do take part in more strenuous exercise like running or cycling you’ll be happy to know that your metabolic rate will increase and continue to burn calories long after your exercise session has finished.


The Most Effective Weight Loss Program Involves Better Habits

Every member of the family probably recognizes the best way they can stay fit and remain slender, even if they require significant amount of weight loss. Typically, fit families are those that have established habits based on a healthy lifestyle. This is often challenging within a busy home, where both parents are off working throughout the day.

Managing a weight loss system in an active family requires dedication of consuming a balanced diet, and performing regular exercise. While it might appear to be much more convenient to simply stop by the fast food joint for dinner, than to prepare a healthy meal, in the long run it can cause significant issues and diminish the health of the family.

An effective weight loss program to keep the family fit and slender requires basic steps. These include:

Do Not Forget Breakfast – Yes it is true that the most essential meal of the day is breakfast. Without it, the body’s metabolism will quickly slow down, making weight loss significantly more challenging. By creating a healthy breakfast at home, loaded with low-fat proteins, vegetables and fruits, whole grains and low-fat dairy products is essential to a healthier lifestyle.

30 Minutes of Exercise a Day – Signing up for a gym that is 10 or 15 minutes away from home is usually a waste of time. Consider gathering the entire family together to enjoy a brisk walk or some effective activity. Attempt to keep the family workouts convenient and short. Remember that the young children will quickly become bored, so mix up the daily activities to keep them entertained.

Purchase Groceries Using a List – Just like you should never purchase groceries on an empty stomach, you should only buy food using a list. It is very easy to select low quality foods simply because they are within sight. If it helps, take along a healthy snack, to enjoy while grocery shopping. This not only benefits you, but also the child that is begging for the purchase of a snack that is truly unhealthy.

Eat Meals Together Every Night – Enjoying the family meals together at dinner time is the perfect opportunity to entertain each other, and stay connected. It helps develop better weight loss strategies, by eating the correct portion sizes. Avoid bringing cell phones to the table, or watching TV during dinnertime.

Set a Pre-Determine Bedtime – Everyone in the family including the parents requires an essential night’s sleep to maintain optimal health. Without it, it is easy to put on weight, causing everyone in the family to get on a weight loss program. By setting a routine bedtime for every member of the family, everyone can be assured of receiving a minimum of six hours and an optimal level of eight hours of quality sleep every night.

When the family eats right, by developing better habits, there is no need to create a weight loss system, because everyone is slender and fit. However this takes determination and dedication from every member of the family, especially mom and dad.


Things To Do Today To Lose Weight

In order to lose weight you've got to do something about it - not think about doing something about it - but take action NOW. Here are just a few things which you can do NOW to start you on your weight loss journey. These really are the first step towards a fitter, healthier, lighter you.

Check Your BMI:

You might already know what your BMI is (Body Mass Index) but if you don't then check it out today. If you discover that your BMI is in the overweight range then find out what your ideal weight would be and use that as a preliminary target weight. If your BMI indicates that you are obese then you need to aim to lose up to 10% of the starting weight. The healthy BMI range is pretty wide but just getting within that range should be your first goal.

Swap Your Snack:

Whatever snack you were planning to snack on next, take it and swap it for something which is healthier. Lots of popular snacks are packed with fat and sugar and are major culprits in helping us to pile on the pounds. These snacks are calorie laden and, to be honest, we can well do without the extra. Forget all about cookies, crisps, chocolate and candies and snack on a piece of fresh fruit or a handful of dried fruit. Change this habit today and start changing your life - that's step one towards a fitter, healthier, lighter you.

Swap Your Drinks:

Any drinks which have high sugar content should be swapped for those which don't. Sodas and fizzy drinks should be swapped for things like water or sparkling water - add a slice of lemon for a little extra zing.  Cut down on your alcohol intake too - alcohol is very high in sugar and calories and is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to helping you pile on extra pounds. Start today and get into this life changing habit - you know it makes sense.

Take a Walk:

Think about your lifestyle and your daily routine then work out how and when you can fit in one walk every day. Fast walking is a terrific way to burn calories and is something which most people can fit into their daily routine with just a little forethought.  Maybe you can walk to work if you get up a few minutes earlier, how about parking the car further from work and walking the last couple of miles or jumping off the bus a few stops earlier to walk the remainder of the way.  If you plan how you are going to fit a brisk walk into your daily routine every day and make it a habit you are certainly heading in the right direction.

What's for Breakfast:

The last thing you should do today to lose weight is plan what you're going to have for tomorrow mornings breakfast. Can you make something healthy from the foods you have in the kitchen? Just think about it and do your best.


Timeless Fundmentals For Winning Your Weight Loss Battle

Finally getting rid of troublesome excess weight is a struggle that many people find to be essentially unwinnable. Drifting from one fad diet to another, far too many people throw up their hands in defeat instead of focusing on a few fundamental truths regarding weight loss. This article is intended to outline the basic nuts and bolts of successfully losing weight and to offer pointers to help anyone achieve the figure they desire.

Though it may sound deceptively simple, the concept of calories in versus calories out really does hold true when it comes to dropping extra pounds. Creating a caloric deficit is truly the way to lose weight and does not have to be as difficult as many think. While certainly tedious at times, paying attention to the total calories of all food and beverages consumed each day is critical to creating that all-important deficit each and every week.

A great way to begin the process of limiting daily calories is to pay close attention to the sort of drinks consumed on a regular basis. Most people are shocked to discover how much of their daily intake comes from liquids alone. Juices, sodas and coffee drinks can pack a hefty caloric punch and if consumed with abandon, can sink the plans of even the most dedicated dieters.

Therefore, it is wise to begin replacing most, if not all of such drinks with water. If drinking straight water holds little appeal for you, try adding a slice of fresh lemon or lime along with some ice cubes for a crisp, clean beverage. Though you may be tempted to simply start drinking diet sodas instead of regular ones, this is not an effective strategy. Switching to water will keep you constantly hydrated and is a far healthier choice.

To keep the calorie count under control when it comes to food, some easy adjustments to the daily diet can be made. Smaller portion sizes can be one way to reduce your totals and achieve the deficit you need. Or, try to boost your intake of low-cal filler foods such as raw vegetables, rice cakes and fruit.

Finally, an essential step in the process of attaining the caloric deficit needed for real weight loss results involves increasing the level of physical exercise in which you engage. It is important to do some research to become more familiar with how much activity really is required to burn a noticeable number of calories. Once you have a good idea of the types of workouts you need to do to meet your deficit targets, commit yourself fully to a program. Though it can be hard to stay motivated at times, exercise really is a key component in terms of meeting your objectives over the long term.

The battle of the bulge is something that just about everyone has faced at one time or another. However, by simply doing the caloric math and making the necessary lifestyle adjustments, lasting weight loss results truly can be yours.


Tips for Weight Loss in Today’s Society

In our society today, weight loss is becoming more and more of a concern and rightfully so. As time goes on we find that people are getting heavier and heavier and lead a less healthy lifestyle. What keeps contributing to these factors? There are many thoughts and theories on this topic, but let’s discuss two commonly accepted reasons.

First, hectic, fast paced life styles. We are constantly on the go and more so now than ever, so the term “fast food” has been created. An unhealthy diet, along with not having time to exercise can lead to a person being overweight. Second, over reliance on technology. This mostly targets the younger generation. Kids these days are more dependent on the internet and television as means of entertainment rather than the energy exerting childhood games of yesterday. Marketing feeds on these growing trends and often makes the unhealthiest lifestyles the easiest and least expensive

To combat the problems we face in just not finding the time to pursue a healthy lifestyle. We have to consider the benefits and work little strategies into our unique lifestyle. Little changes can go a long way into making a big difference. Take note of what you usually eat in your daily routine. Do you grab a latte on the way to work, fast food for lunch and take out for dinner? Why not substitute that high calorie latte for regular coffee or a nice cup of herbal tea? You’ll find the same boost in energy without the sugar rush. Instead of that burger and fries you usually grab on the go why not make it a sandwich and some fruit? There are a lot of sandwich options that are fast and easy to make yourself or buy out that constitute a good supplement to the high in fat and salt options we see today in most fast food places.

We can also seize little opportunities in our daily routine to get more exercise. Again, a little difference can go a long way. Maybe we can take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible, or how about parking a little farther in the parking lots while running errands? Many have found that just by seizing opportunities to walk they have made a big difference in their health.

Do you find that your family is overly immersed in technology? Many families spend time together by either watching their favorite television programs at night or playing video games. We can find substitutes for that by being proactive. Take walks in the park or around the neighborhood as a family or find a sport that all enjoy. This will lead to a more active lifestyle.

We have to make weight loss a priority today, it is getting dangerous. The biggest misconception today is that we don’t have time to live a healthy lifestyle. But by following some of these simple tips, over time, you may reach your weight loss goals. Seize as many opportunities as you can and stick with them.


Tracking Your Weight Loss Progress

One of the most important aspects of weight loss that many people forget is that they should track their progress. There are several reasons why you should do this, but the most important is being able to see what your work is doing to your body. There is no better way to stay motivated than watching yourself shrink into the body that you desire. Here are some ways to track your weight loss progress.

The most common and easiest way to see your weight loss progress is by weighing yourself. This is simple to do with a scale. Electric ones tend to work best as the traditional scales can be easily tipped or thrown off causing numbers to vary greatly. You should weight yourself once a week. Anymore than that can become obsessive and can negatively impact your goals. The best way to handle weigh ins to be consistent. You need to weigh yourself the same way on the same day every week. For example, if you plan on wearing a shirt during your weigh in, make sure you always do that at every weigh in on the same day every week. The best time to weigh yourself is after you wake up before you drink or eat anything. Make sure you keep a written log of your numbers in a notebook, on a calendar, etc.

Another common way to track your weight loss progress is by taking measurements. This is not as simple as weighing yourself, but it's still fairly easy to do. Use a tape measure that can be wrapped around your body to measure yourself. Like weigh ins, do this once every week. You should measure your waist, thighs, chest, and arms. It's not important where you take the measurements, but you must be consistent. If you take a measurement of a certain spot on one of those areas, make sure you do that every time you measure yourself every week. The best time to do measurements is first thing after you wake up and on an empty stomach. Doing it afterwards can change the measurements and throw of the numbers.

You can also track your progress by taking photos. This is a great way to see how far you have come and how far you have left to go. Sometimes, numbers only go so far. When you can actually see the weight loss, you can get a real sense of accomplishment. It's also a lot of fun to see how your body has changed over time because of your efforts. Unlike the other two progress-tracking methods, you should stick to doing this once a month.

Seeing the results of all of your hard work involved with your weight loss can make you feel that you are gaining a better body, better health, and ultimately, a better life. Some people like to go by numbers and some like to go by looks. No matter which way you prefer, tracking your weight loss can help you stay motivated so that you can reach your goals in no time.


Weight Loss – How to Eat More and Weigh Less

No, this is not a trick, it really can be done. It is definitely possible to lose weight without feeling hungry; the secret is to eat the right type of food.

There are some types of food which are really good at making you feel full without stacking up the calories - so you can eat more of these types of food without piling on the pounds. Some foods are so calorie laden that the smallest nibble can show on the weighing scales. It has been proved that we feel full because of the amount of food that we've eaten rather than the amount of calories that we've eaten, so by eating lots of food which is lower in calories it can help you to feel full without making you weigh more.

Now that I've got your attention take a look at the types of food which you can afford to pile on your plate without stretching your waistband;

"    Fruit and vegetables - I bet you were expecting that weren't you? The problem with some fruit and vegetables is in the preparation, if you add fat or butter to your vegetables then they are not so waistline friendly. Raw fruits and veggies are brilliant, steaming is good - just don't add oil. Particularly great fruit and vegetables to include in your "eating more to weigh less" regime are spinach, broccoli, apples, tomatoes, berries, carrots - blueberry muffins are not good, not even the low fat variety.

"    Broths and soups - are a great opportunity to fill up your bowl without piling on the weight just so long as you steer clear of those which are cream based - mushroom bisque is not good, broth with lots of fresh veggies and a few herbs added for flavor are very good. I suppose the basic rule is to not add any cream.

"    Whole grains - whole wheat bread, brown rice and pasta are great for filling you up without making you gain weight. These have all of the goodness that nature intended them to have - flour which has been processed and bleached does not have the same benefits but can stack up the calories.

"    Peas and beans - are a great addition to the menu if you want to eat plenty of delicious food and fill your stomach without gaining any extra weight. Black beans, green peas, kidney beans - add some to your vegetable broth for a little something extra - just don't add any cream.

"    Lean meats and fish - there are loads of lean meats and fish which you can eat in large amounts without piling on the weight - again you've got to make sure that you prepare it properly. Chicken, turkey, lean beef and fish is great. Having said that a fried chicken wing is not good, a grilled chicken breast without the skin is fantastic.

So remember to include plenty of these low calorie options into your daily diet, throw away the frying pan and steer clear of the cream aisle in the grocery store. That should really help you to lose weight without going hungry.


Weight Loss: Things to Avoid

Losing weight can be a great way to re-gain your health, rid yourself of dangerous health conditions and keep you feeling, and looking, your very best. There are many ways people use in order to lose weight, from fad diets, pills and diet support groups. One thing most dieters have in common is the desire to rid themselves of extra weight as quickly as possible. While this may seem like an enticing idea, there are good reasons, some dangerous, that may influence your decision to use quick-fix weight loss plans. Below, you will learn some things to avoid when trying to lose weight.

Leaving Out Entire Food Groups:

Many people find that they can lose weight quickly by eliminating one or more food groups. Whether it is carbohydrates, fat, fruit or a combination of food groups, this is not a good idea. All of the food groups are necessary for good nutrition, and to keep the body healthy, and running properly. Instead of eliminating carbs, for example, try choosing carbs that can improve your health, such as whole-grain breads, legumes and some fruits. Good fats to include are olive oil and avocados. Eaten in moderation, these foods can enhance weight loss while increasing your overall health.

Diet Pills and Supplements:

Diet supplements and weight loss pills are red-flags for possible complications. They are full of chemicals and additives that can damage the heart and other organs. People have been known to suffer heart attacks and strokes related to these drugs. No weight loss is worth these risks.


Some dieters resort to the use of laxatives in order to drop excess pounds. This a harmful, and possibly dangerous practice. Using laxatives depletes the body of vital substances, such as fluid and potassium. The possibilities of dehydration and other complications makes laxative use a dangerous way to lose weight. Also, weight loss through laxative use is temporary, and when use is discontinued, the weight will return as normal bodily functions improve.

One-Dimensional Diets:

Over the years, people desperate to lose weight have been sucked into one-dimensional diets by stories of rapid weight loss. The Grapefruit Diet, The Rice Diet and the Soup Diet are all fad diets that offer quick weight loss by eliminating all but one or two foods. Not only are these diets usually abandoned due to boredom, they deplete the body of necessary nutrients and natural chemicals that the body needs. And, again, lost weight almost always creeps back on when normal eating habits resume.

Weight Loss Surgery:

Recent strides in the safety of surgery, such as the Lap Band, gastric bypass and the gastric sleeve have improved the safety of weight loss surgery. However, the risks may outweigh the benefits. Infection, the lack of absorption of vital nutrients and even the risk of death make the decision for weight loss surgery one to be carefully contemplated.

It is unfortunate that people become so desperate to lose weight that they will resort to these risky measures. To lose weight in a healthy, permanent way, one must simply avoid poor food choices, and substitute them for healthy, nutritious foods. This, along with a good exercise routine can keep you healthy, feeling and looking great and able to enjoy life to its fullest!


Weight Loss And Depression

Losing weight can be a difficult battle for anyone. This is especially true when the health problem is depression. Mental health not only takes a toll on the mind, but the entire body.

Can you lose weight with depression? Yes, but it may be a difficult road. There are many hurdles that you must overcome and they will be both mental and physical. If you are not in a good state of mind, which is generally what happens with depression, then losing weight may seem impossible.

Depression can cause weight gain because many sufferers are "emotional eaters." Obesity and being overweight are serious issues when it comes to all kinds of mental illnesses since hunger starts as a brain function. Too many die from this, usually from heart disease, so this needs to be curved. Another thing that affects weight gain in depression sufferers is medication. Certain types are known to affect hunger and make a person eat more. Sadly, it can be both the depression and the medication affecting your weight gain. If you notice something like this happening to you, you should see your doctor right away.

While weight loss is possible when depressed, it is definitely not easy. Doing things like eating a sensible diet and exercising properly will work to help those with mental illness lose weight. The problem is not so much getting on a healthy diet and exercise plan, but missing one key piece to the puzzle: a healthy mind. When the mind isn't healthy, as the case with many depression sufferers, then the chances of maintaining the weight loss go way down. The person may start losing weight and feel like they have to overdo or they may get hit a setback and give up. When you have a negative outlook on yourself and your life, you tend to be unnecessarily hard on yourself. Stemming from this is a chance that you worsen or your depression or, even worse, develop an eating disorder.

Researchers are having a difficult time trying to devise foolproof plans to help those with depression lose weight. There are too many factors and too many types of depression that have lead to a wide gap in results. They all agree that it is possible for people with depression to lose weight. They also agree that it can be very hard for them. However, making slow positive changes, such as implementing healthier diets and exercise plans can help the person start to feel better and start to lose weight. There may be some types of depression where breaking bad habits is impossible without something to remind the person that it's an unhealthy choice. They can try carrying some type of reminder like a card to combat this.

As you can see, depression and weight loss can be a tough road to take. There are many things to consider, but it can be achieved. If you have depression and need to lose weight, make sure to consult with your doctor to find a healthy and safe plan that works for you.


Weight Loss Fitness on a Budget

Losing weight is hard, but when finances are tight, not having enough money to join a gym or buy an expensive piece of fitness equipment can be very discouraging.  But with a little extra thought, you can devise a fitness routine that will work with a small budget—or no budget at all!

First, try to fit in your exercise routine whenever and wherever you can.  Walking and running is always free, and can be done almost anywhere.  During bad weather, try walking at a mall or a warehouse store—just be sure to eat a snack ahead of time and avoid the food courts or free samples!  Walking up flights of stairs at the office is a great way to work out on a lunch break. 

Walking up and down the stairs at your home during TV commercials is another great way to sneak in a little calorie burning.  You can also do a lot of push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, and other calisthenics-style exercises in your own living room. 

Do an internet search for weight-bearing exercises, or find heavy items around the house to lift instead of dumbbells.  There are many exercises a mom can do that involve lifting her toddler in fun and safe ways, instead of using weights—making it easier for a stay at home mom to keep in shape. 

Most libraries have many fitness books and videos you can borrow, and they can order in anything they don’t have from libraries across the country.  They also have a wonderful array of cookbooks as well.  You can also find a lot of free workout routines and workout advice on

Parks are a great place to work out.  Some parks have basic fitness equipment such as chin up bars and low balance beams.  You can also lay out a towel and do yoga, or borrow a library book on “basic training style” exercises, which you can easily do in the park.

If you are a student, you might be able to get a very inexpensive membership to a gym or to the YMCA.  Classes may cost extra, but use of the basic equipment should be included in the membership.  Don’t forget that if you work at or attend a college, there is usually a fitness center there that you may use for free.  If you aren’t a student or teacher, then check with your employer to see if you have a gym at your work site, or if the company has an agreement with a local gym to provide discounted memberships.  Some employers don’t advertise this. 

Although there are a lot of ways out there to get in shape for free, sometimes you can lose motivation if you aren’t able to work out in the way that you’d like.  Try to find an exercise buddy to keep your motivation up.  If you have no friends interested in joining you, try in the personals section, or join an online fitness forum.  They often have challenges and competitions to help keep motivation high.

Don’t let a lack of finances keep you from achieving optimum health or your ideal weight.  Do a little research, get creative, and you’ll find a weight loss fitness routine that works for you AND your budget!


Weight Loss Is Hard For Me

Weight loss is hard for me. I struggle with it and have for many years now. When I was a child and even a teenager it came easy. This has not been true as an adult.

I have tried many different diets over the years. I always hoped one of them would be just what I needed to lose the 50lbs I need to lose to get back to my goal weight. They seem to work well for me for about a week and then I either stop doing them or forget I was on a diet in the first place.

I try to run every other day but then something comes up. My kids have something going on or it gets too hot. In the wintertime it is too cold for me to run outside. I just don't like to run when I am uncomfortable.

I know it is probably best to just watch what I eat and try to walk when I can. This is the simplest form of losing weight and it makes a lot of sense. If you are eating healthy foods and making an effort to be active, you will see results.

I have been about 50lbs overweight for three years now. I hope that I can lose all of it in the next year. I am finally at a place where I just can't stand the extra weight.

I can feel it everyday as I try to do things around the house. My back hurts more and my knees can feel it. I know if I lose some weight I will feel much better and will be able to be more active.

I plan to give up eating cookies every night. I know that is one of the reasons I am not losing weight. They always look so good and I have a very hard time resisting them. I know I should stopping buying them to begin with.

Once the kids go back to school I plan to walk every morning. I will walk them to the bus stop and then I will continue for an hour. I think this will really help. I will lose weight and it will help my body feel a bit more healthy than it does.

I just have to commit to walking everyday. I can't skip a day just because I don't feel like it. I need to make myself do it even if I am too cold or too hot. I use to walk a lot when I was younger and I miss it.

If I do not start losing weight I know I could end up with a lot of problems. I have seen it in other people. I just don't want that to happen to me. I want to be healthy as I am growing older.

I hope to find some friends that also want to lose weight. I think it would be easier if we did it together. We could keep each other accountable that way.

Losing weight is hard for me but I know I can do it. I just have to focus and keep to a routine. I know I will really enjoy the results if I do.


Weight Loss Strategies

There are hundreds of weight loss products, fad diets, and Diet Experts who know all the secrets to losing weight.  Yet, the weight loss industry continues to be one of the largest and fastest growing business sectors in the United States, not to mention in the world.  Men and women alike spend millions of dollars annually trying to lose their extra weight and then spend almost as much trying to keep that weight off.  The secret to permanent weight loss, however is to make long-term life-style changes that create healthy nutritional and exercise habits that become ingrained.

How are these permanent changes made?  Consider these strategies for reaching your permanent weight loss goals:

1.    Commit for life.  Weight loss that is permanent is not easy.  It takes hard work and it takes the patience and determination to stick with the plan and to stay committed to the goal.  Permanently modifying lifelong habits literally takes physical and mental energy.

2.    Focus Inwardly.  No one can make weight loss a success except the individual themselves.  Finding their internal motivation to lose weight will mean they are losing weight for themselves and no one else.  Losing weight should be a very personal goal, it should not be done to please anyone else. 

3.    Set a realistic and reachable goal.   When some try to lose weight, they don’t realize that a reasonable weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds per week, so expect to lose 30 pounds their first month and then are disappointed when they don’t. To lose the 1 to 2 pounds per week, it will take burning an extra 500 to 1,000 extra calories per day either through more exercise or through consuming fewer calories or a combination of both. 

4.    Eat healthier.  Modifying the diet to include healthier foods includes adding more plant-based foods, including vegetables, whole grains, and fruits.  It also helps to add some variety into the menu, including green, leafy vegetables.  Start the day with a good, healthy breakfast.  Include healthy fats, as well including vegetable oils, nut butters, and olive oil.  Also, cut back on sugar, high-fat dairy, and eat lean protein, approximately 3 ounce servings, no more.

5.    Work it out.  Though it is possible to lose weight without exercising, physical activity provides an edge to weight loss.  It helps burn off calories which cannot be cut through diet alone.  Exercise is also extremely beneficial for the health including reducing blood pressure, boosting the mode, and strengthening the cardiovascular system.  Research studies have shown that individuals who have maintained long-term weight loss have all done it by including regular physical activity.

6.    Change perspectives.  Eating healthy and exercising will certainly help with weight loss, but these will not provide for long-term, permanent weight loss.  The only thing that can make that happen is when the individual commits to maintaining a healthy, active, nutritious lifestyle and makes permanent changes in diet, eating and physical activity habits and ensures these become their way of life. 

During any weight loss program, there will likely be setbacks.  Instead of giving up and quitting, anyone trying to lose weight will be better off simply forgiving themselves for getting off-track and starting fresh the next day.   It is good to remember that weight loss is not easy and neither is changing one’s life to make the weight loss permanent.  Steady and permanent weight loss will take time, but committing to a healthy lifestyle will work and the results will certainly be worth all the effort.


What Weight Loss Equipment Should You Buy?

Combined with dieting, exercise is the most efficient way to shed down those extra pounds. Not only will exercising improve how you look, but it will also improve your overall health, and regular exercising will keep on paying dividends even in your old age.

The effects of exercise are cumulative. The more calories you burn, the more you speed up your metabolism, which in turn makes it possible to lose more weight. If you are going to take your exercising seriously it’s a good idea to know what home equipment is available for your weight loss regime and what will best suit you.

Among the most effective, and maybe the best known of them all, is the treadmill. There are a huge variety of treadmills out there, with every imaginable option and style. For example, there are treadmills that are powered by your own walking and others which are powered by electricity. There are treadmills with a motor designed to run for two hours a day and treadmills made to be used for twelve consecutive hours. The end result is a very wide range of products available to choose from. The prices vary depending on the specific item, buts its worth taking the time to work out exactly what you need before making your choice.

The exercise bike is another classic home exercise machine. Unlike the treadmill, it provides a workout for both the upper and lower body, which holds a lot of appeal for conscientious enthusiasts. Like the treadmill there are a large range of different models each providing their own features to help you with your weight loss plans.

Another popular piece of weight loss exercise equipment is the elliptical machine. These machines combine multiple exercises, and the advanced models will give you both an upper and lower body workout. If you haven’t seen and elliptical machine before, it is helpful to think of it as a hybrid between a ski machine and a stair climber.

One item that might not immediately strike you as a serious piece of workout equipment is the trampoline. It is, however, a great way to burn excess calories, not to mention it being really fun. The bigger trampolines are often set up in back yards and used for workouts and recreational play, while smaller models, called mini trampolines, are designed for indoor use. Either way, besides being exciting and fun, trampolines are also quite affordable. If you think bouncing on a trampoline gets boring, you can play some fast invigorating music while you exercise, that certainly gets the blood flowing as subconsciously you try to move with the rhythm of the music.

If you don’t have a lot of room in your home, you will find some home exercise products that are collapsible when not in use. These items also tend to be a bit cheaper than the larger equipment items. Yoga and Pilates items, or resistance bands and exercise balls fall into this category. When it comes to choosing weight loss exercise equipment for home, you are only restricted by your budget and the amount of space you have available.


What You Need to Know About Weight Loss

Weight loss simply refers to reduction of body mass, whether it is by reducing fat or water content and whether it is intentional or not.

Sometimes you want to lose weight, and sometimes a medical condition can cause weight loss. Unintentional weight loss is always a cause for concern and warrants a visit to your physician.

When you lose weight, you can lose fat, muscle, or water - or a combination of these. If you are overweight, diet and exercise can help you to reduce your overall weight and body mass.

Unintentional Weight Loss:

If you find that you start losing weight without trying, there could be a number of different factors at work. Many medical conditions can cause this to occur.

For example, if you have Type I diabetes and it is not managed well, you can begin to lose weight without trying. This is because your body begins burning fat and muscle for energy since it cannot access the glucose from the food you are eating. This is a serious condition that needs to be addressed by a physician.

Other conditions that can cause unintentional weight loss include altered metabolism due to HIV infection, hormonal imbalances like overactive thyroid gland, and even some forms of cancers.

If you start to lose weight without trying, how do you know when to see a doctor? A good rule of thumb is to be concerned if you lose five percent of your body weight in a month or ten percent over six months.

Intentional Weight Loss:

Of course, the more familiar type of weight loss results from deliberately attempting to lose weight due to obesity or generally wanting to be healthier. This is sometimes referred to as therapeutic weight loss, and is usually used to improve the health or change the appearance.

If you have any medical conditions that are adversely affected by being overweight, intentional weight loss is a good goal. These illnesses can include things like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and cholesterol, and arthritis.

Perhaps you just want to be able to move a little easier or have more energy. Intentional weight loss can help you to achieve these goals also. Eating a little less and moving a little more can take off those few excess pounds that are slowing you down. You may have an easier time participating in your "weekend athlete" activities if you lighten you load a bit.

One important point to note is that crash dieting can be dangerous and should be avoided or only undertaken under the supervision of a physician. The body can have serious negative reactions to a severe restriction in calories, so be careful if you decide to follow an especially restrictive diet.

As you can see, there is a lot to know about the area of weight loss. Although most of the time, people lose weight deliberately, sometimes weight loss can be dangerous and a sign of a serious medical condition.


When to Choose Weight Loss Surgery

Obesity runs in my family. It's not an excuse, but it is certainly the truth. I believe that I was pre-destined for obesity, partly due to genetics, and partly due to overindulgence. My mother, sister and I are all obese. Several of my aunts, uncles and cousins are also overweight. So, I am not alone in my plight. I have tried every diet you can name in the 53 years I have lived on this Earth, and not one of them has helped me to keep off any weight that I have lost.

I have finally decided to get serious about my weight problem. By getting serious, I am talking about weight loss surgery. I have not decided what type of surgery I want as of yet, but I am leaning toward the Lap Band, due to its less invasive nature, and easy reversal. I am wary of having my stomach stapled, or having most of it removed. I like that the lap band can be adjusted as needed, and requires minimal hospital stay.

The reasons I have for choosing weight loss surgery are many. The most persuasive to me have been the following:

Health Issues:

I have several health issues that make weight loss surgery a wise choice for me. My BMI, or body mass index, is 58.  This puts me well above the required BMI of 40 in order to qualify for the lap band. I have mild hypertension, sleep apnea, severe osteoarthritis in my hips, knees and hands. Most importantly, I feel that without this surgery, I will die at an early age due to complications from obesity.


I do not care much what others think of me. I still have rather high self-esteem. However, I do wish to improve my appearance mostly for myself, but for my husband and children as well. At 430 pounds, I am not as attractive as I once was. I believe that all people should take pride in how they look, and just do the best they can. For me, that means getting fit, and losing weight.


I used to be an active woman. As a young adult, I was an avid ice skater. I loved hiking, fishing, camping and yardwork. All of my most-loved activities are now impossible. I walk with a cane due to my arthritis, which will most likely improve once I lose weight. Also, I would like to be able to join my family in their activities, instead of opting out with a headache, or other non-existent ailment.

As you can see, I have many valid reasons to consider weight loss surgery. I have many years ahead of me if I can lose the weight, and get healthy. Many people scoff at those who choose weight loss surgery, claiming that they are taking the "easy way out." I disagree. Surgery is never easy, and those who undergo this type of surgery must still watch what they eat, and change their eating habits. I know it will not be an easy road, but it is a road I feel I must travel.


Wrong Weight Loss

The single, most important thing about weight loss is the method. It all starts there. Results can be achieved with a number of different methods, and there is always more than one way to get from A to B, but the method you use to get there often contributes to whether or not you arrive.

Equally, there are some method to lose weight that are shortsighted, unlikely to work, or just plain dangerous.

The most popular, almost "tried and tested" method of weight loss is dieting. The problem with dieting is that it doesn't really work, and where people do manage to succeed with it, they often end up putting the weight back on, plus more, further down the road.

For me, dieting is just counter-intuitive. The key to losing weight is burning calories, not starving yourself of them. To burn calories, you need to have a fully functioning metabolism. If you can burn more calories in a day than you can eat, then you will start to lose weight.

This is where the miconception about dieting comes in. People think "Instead of burning more calories, I will just take fewer in".

Actually, this doesn't make sense. When you take fewer calories on board, your body doesn't have enough fuel to work properly, so it reduces the metabolism to compensate. You are taking less on, but you are also burning less.

There might end up being some weight loss at some point, but as soon as you start eating again, you put the weight back on rapidly.

Moreover, when your body does burn fat to turn it into fuel, it actually uses up protein first. If you are not eating enough to replace those proteins, all that will happen is you lose muscle mass, which does reduce your weight, but the fat will still be there underneath.

Eventually, you might be on of the lucky ones to hit their "target weight" using this method. Hooray! You can eat again! Now you are piling fat back on top of fat. This is not going to have a good outcome.

What is my solution?

It just makes sense to give your body the fuel it needs. I am not saying to go out and eat as much as you want, I am saying eat smart. There are healthy, nutritious foods out there that will give you everything you need, but for only 100-200 calories.

This is going to help keep your body working efficiently, burning calories and fat, but keep your muscle mass, only take on a few hundred calories, and not have to starve yourself in the process.

People who use this method not only find it easy to keep going, they tend to wind up healthier, and as a result they keep the weight off.

I'm not one to believe "My method is the best and everything else is terrible," but I do think it appears more like common sense than dieting. It makes sense to me that if you give your body what it NEEDS, it will function correctly, and will reach its ideal weight naturally.


You Need to Be Wise if You Want to Lose Weight

Common sense and an approach that considers the realities in your life are far more likely to help you to lose weight, than some fancy diets, exhausting workouts or those miracle pills. All these are far more likely to have you parting with your hard earned money, thus reducing the weight of your purse.

A Simple Common Sense Approach to Weight Loss:

Examine your present lifestyle, eating habits, diet constituents, and physical exertions. Make a complete list of everything,  sit yourself down, and go through it critically. Do you have a regular routine, or one which keeps you awake at all odd times? Do you eat in front of the television or computer, and are rarely aware of what you eat? Do you eat a lot of fast food? Are you drinking too many colas or other fizzy drinks? Is your exercise routine one that is sporadic?

A “yes” answer to all or most of these questions is a sure sign that you need to get more control over your life, diet and exercise routines, if you are to benefit yourself in anyway, in attempts at weight loss.

Making Those Changes:

Human beings are meant to work for eight hours a day, sleep for another eight hours, and have eight hours left over for leisure, social activities and other things. Ensure that you make for yourself a routine that enables you to work correctly, sleep adequately and relax sufficiently. This itself will get your body into a rhythm that will enable all your bodily systems to work correctly and this can help weight loss.

Switch off that television or your computer and see that you take your meals at the dining table. If in the office, find an outside area where you can eat your sandwich in piece, away from the computer or telephone. Eat slowly whenever you do so, making sure to bite correctly. This will enable your gastric juices to work efficiently to digest your meals.  See if you can stop going back for refills. 

Fast food contains a lot of refined carbohydrates, fats and salt. All these help you to put on weight and are best avoided. A simple brown bread sandwich carried from home can give you far better nutrition. Carry along some fruits or nuts and nibble on them whenever you feel hungry. Cut out the fizzy drinks and colas. Reduce your intake of coffee especially if you are used to taking cream and sugar in it. This can reduce the intake of sugar, which can in turn help you to lose weight. Ensure that you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and avoid the heavy red meats. Switch over to brown bread.

Make exercises a part of your daily routine. Consider this as important as eating or going to work. This does not have to be anything elaborate and can be something as simple as walking, jogging or cycling. Gym routines can always help, but need sufficient motivation. Making a habit to climb up stairs, walk down to the supermarket and avoid using your car wherever you can. 

Try out all these simple common sense tips and there is every chance that you will be well on the way to your weight loss goals. Do not expect or want drastic results. Very high weight loss can cause other problems like loose skin and loss of vitality.


Weight Loss Over Age Forty

Weight loss is a challenge at any age. But, after the age of forty women in particular have the added obstacle of having to overcome the hormonal changes in the body. Hormones have a definite impact on weight loss.

I’m an avid viewer of Dr. Oz’s show as he seems to be very balanced and, at the same time, really up-to-date regarding the current trends in dieting and what works and what does not. So when he acknowledged that hormones can definitely slow down my weight loss efforts, I sat up and took notice. Maybe he would also have some helpful suggestions on the solution to this dilemma.

He did have a number of recommendations and I’m going to share them here, in case there is still a female in this country that has not tuned into Dr. Oz’s show on a daily basis. He pointed out that after age 50 the body burns 200 calories a day less because of estrogen loss. As you age and your eggs “shrivel,” your body turns to your belly fat as a backup for storage of its estrogen. That being the case, you need to provide your body with an alternative source of estrogen. Dr. Oz recommends you grind up and eat two teaspoons of flax seeds daily to boost your estrogen.

Of course, exercise of some sort is always recommended, no matter what your age. Unfortunately in your forties and fifties your body responds differently to exercise. Even when you are burning up the calories, the fat is reluctant to leave, preferring to stay in your body, marbleizing your muscles. You might be surprised to learn that this has to do with the diminishing amount of testosterone in your body as you age.

To combat the decrease of testosterone, Dr. Oz recommends a very high protein source – Roman Beans. He suggests building up the amount of these beans that you eat until you reach 2-3 cups a week. If you are concerned about that creating a problem with gas – a common occurrence when eating beans – simply increase the amount of beans you eat in small increments until you’ve reached your goal of 2-3 cups a week.

Salmon is a good idea also as it is rich in protein and Vitamin D (and let’s not forget those healthy Omeg-3 oils). Broccoli is helpful for the iron it provides, building up your red blood cells that in turn carry oxygen to your muscles.

Finally, don’t underestimate the value of weight training – thirty minutes a week will help burn those calories and continue to do so even after the workout is over!

There’s no denying it is going to require a little more of a concentrated effort to be successful in the weight loss department after the age of forty. It’s a hard reality, but weight loss CAN be accomplished if you follow these guidelines. Even more importantly, you will be increasing your overall health which means you will feel strong, healthy and vital – and isn’t that the ultimate goal in any diet regimen?


Losing Weight Doesn't Have To Be Hard

These days losing weight is on everyone's mind. It seems it's harder and harder to lose the weight as you age. Once you hit 30 years old, your metabolism slows down and it can be more of an uphill battle to control your weight.

We're going to discuss a few different ways that will help you in this effort to slim down and lose a few pounds. If you are healthy and are at your ideal weight, you still might be able to gain valuable insight from this information.

One of the biggest misconceptions about losing weight is that you should limit your calories per day. While it is true that you need to watch her calorie input, you should not starve yourself because that defeats the long-term purpose of losing weight and keeping it off.

The reason why this does not work is because if you starve your body, your body will start to break down muscle tissue along with fat. When the muscle tissue has been lost, your ability to maintain a high metabolism rate goes way down. This will make it easier to gain the weight back in the future. This is why you see people who are on diets always struggling to keep the weight off.

The one thing many people do not want to do is what they know they should do, which is exercise. Exercising is something that many Americans do not do enough of. There is more time spent in front of the TV and computer then moving the body around. That is more of a society problem in this day and age. However don't let this be an excuse!

Not only will you feel better by moving your body, you'll also be able to lose weight and stay healthy as you age. What is it to like about this? Most people agree with these ideas, they know they are correct, but just lack the determination to follow through with them.

Don't let this happen to you! Go and find a gym, by some good sneakers, and start working out! If you can't afford a gym then you can always do some cardio exercises either inside or outside. You can also do situps, push-ups and pull-ups inside your home to build lean muscle. This lean muscle also help increase your metabolism which helps you burn calories day in and day out.

As you can see watching what you eat is only one part of the equation as you are trying to lose weight. You need to be aware that your body is trying to work with you and not against you. And that might be a mental shift that needs to happen in your mind, but when it does happen you'll see the pounds fly off!

So the next time that you see someone on a diet and they're not working out, you might want to let them know that they need to maintain their metabolism rate by increasing their lean muscle.


Making Simple Diet Changes To Lose Weight

Trying to lose weight can seem like a very difficult task. If you’ve tried weight loss before without success, you’ll know just how hard it can be to make changes and stick to them. Many people struggle to balance their weight loss efforts with the things that are going on in their life. If you’re struggling to lose weight, a few simple changes may be able to help you get started on the right path.

Instead of jumping into a full blown weight loss journey, try to make a few small changes that could really make a difference. A good, simple change is to not drink your calories. During the day, many people reach for coffees, teas, or sodas. Instead of adding all of those unneeded calories, switch to drinking more water. Depending on the amount of drinks that you normally drink, you could save over 500 calories each day just by reaching for water. Switching to water can also save you a lot of money as it is normally less expensive than sodas, teas, and coffee.

If you’re trying to lose weight, try to avoid eating out. If you frequently grab takeout on your way home from work, a lot of your weight may be caused by that. Many people say that they don’t always have the time to cook a large dinner once they’ve gotten home from work. This can be avoided by planning out your meals well. If there are certain days where you generally arrive home later than usual, have something premade for dinner, such as a salad that you mixed up a few days ago. Not all of your meals need to be five-course dinners.  Take the time at the beginning of each week to create a meal plan that you can stick to.

Changing the way that you prepare food can help you with your weight loss goal. If you’re used to frying your chicken, give baking or grilling a shot. If you’re used to using a lot of butter or cheese on your vegetables, try to find other ways to prepare them. There are many spices that can be added to your veggies to make them taste great without butter or cheese. You should also keep an eye on the amount of salt that you’re adding to your food. Many people reach for the salt anytime something seems bland. Instead of adding extra salt, try to find seasoning and spices that you could add to give your food more flavor. If you’re used to using ground beef for hamburgers or spaghetti, give ground turkey a try. It’s mostly fat free and can taste great when prepared correctly.

Losing weight isn't just about how fast you can get the weight off. It’s about making lifestyle changes that you can stick to. For this reason, many people to make huge diet changes tend to go back to their old way of eating in a short amount of time. By making small changes, you increase your success rate of losing the weight and keeping it off.




The manganese, magnesium, silicon (and calcium) found in apple cider vinegar has been linked in sustaining bone mass, which is important in the fight against osteoporosis. A supplement of apple cider vinegar could for this reason be valuable to consider should you suffer from a calcium shortage, have a problem with osteoporosis, or ifyou are entering your postmenopausal stage, where a risk of bone loss could cause a problem.


Although apple cider cannot cure cancer, it is a valuableally to have around to help fight free radicals in the body, which have been shown to be indicative in the formation of various cancers. Beta-carotene, found in apple cider vinegar, is a powerful antioxidant, which helps in neutralizing the free radicals, formed in our bodies through oxidation.

To prevent these free radicals, and to keep them in check, we need antioxidants in our system to rid our bodies of these potentially dangerous compounds. If free radicals are left alone to have the run of our bodies, they cause major damage by severely damaging cells, which leads to aging and degeneration.

The pectin in apple cider vinegar adds fiber to the diet, and even the American Cancer Society promotes a high fiber diet to help with preventing cancer, especially colon cancer. The reason for this is that fiber binds with certain cancer causing (carcinogenic) compounds in the colon, and speeds up their elimination from the body.


Although there are different factors influencing the formation of candida (which is a yeast infection) a disturbance of yourdiet, as well as an intake of antibiotics must be looked at when you experience such an episode of candida flare-up, since the yeast balance in your body can be thrown out of sync by these two factors.

A selection of topical creams and lotions are available, but a cheap alternative can be found by douching twice a day with a solution of ACV until the symptoms disappear. The solution is made from 2 tablespoons of ACV to a quart of lukewarm water - this solution will assist in restoring the acid balance.


A good warning system for heart disease is the presence ofhigh blood cholesterol in the system. To help prevent this is to follow a lifestyle which includes eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables, maintaining
your ideal weight, getting enough exercise while avoiding processed foods, junk foods and hydrogenated oils.

Another way is to add fiber to your diet, especially water-soluble fiber - such as the pectin found in apple cider vinegar. Water-soluble fiber soaks up water, which adds bulk, and interacts with your body, and also keeps on working longer than non water-soluble fiber.

Fiber also soaks up fats and cholesterol in the body and then is excreted instead of being reabsorbed. Non water-soluble fiber soaks up moisture in the body, but cannot interact with the body. The amino acids contained in apple cider vinegar have also shown promise in neutralizing some ofthe harmful oxidized LDL cholesterol.


It has been found that the pH factor (the acidity factor) of the body becomes a bit more alkaline prior to a cold or flu striking you down. When you take apple cider vinegar it helps to rebalance the acid level
of your body.

Another remedy for colds and flu, and said to be specifically beneficial for chest complaints during the winter, is to soak a pieceof brown paper with apple cider vinegar, and to place pepper on the one side of
the paper. You then tie the paper, pepper side down,on to your chest and leave on for 25 - 30 minutes.
