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Hidden Dangers Of Rapid Weight Loss

Weight loss is a big issue for an important part of the American population. Even from young age we are subject to temptations such a fast food, sweets and carbonated soft drinks, which are poor in nutrients but rich in sugar, preservatives and empty calories. Once an individual passes a certain weight limit, controlling it becomes practically impossible. This is where the diet struggle begins.

Experience shows that many overweight people want to shed their pounds as fast as possible. The most determined ones will starve themselves, hoping they will regain the looks they once had. Those persons ignore the fact that by starvation, the body is deprived of those nutrients that are needed to support life. This is how they can develop severe anemia or other nutritional illnesses. When this happens, they resort to doctors who put them back on real food. Soon, they return to their unhealthy eating habits and the pounds return, many times even in bigger numbers.

What is it considered rapid weight loss? Traditional diets state that everything that's more than 2 pounds a week is considered rapid. The calculation is based on the conversion of pounds into calories. If a weight loss program assumes a calorie deficit bigger than 1000 calories per day, it will be very hard to compensate with exercise, therefore the person won't be able to secure the minimum amount of nutrients the body needs.

It's funny what people would do to lose a few pounds as fast as a couple of days. They have short term objectives. For instance, a girl might want to lose a three-four pounds from Monday to Sunday, because she's going to a date or a party and she wants to fit inside a certain dress she loves. For that matter, she'd starve herself for five days, without considering she might harm her stomach or even trouble her metabolism. If she doesn't make sure she drinks enough water, she might also experience dehydration. This is a big price to pay for simply fitting into a dress.

A long term low protein diet will cause malnutrition. It will also lead to diminishing the muscular mass, because the body will consume its own protein when it doesn't find it in the food. Protein is found in muscles. When you lose weight, you want to get rid of the fat, but keep your muscular mass intact. This is why you need a minimum protein intake no matter what diet you choose.

Experience shows that rapid weight loss significantly increases the risk of developing gallstones. This risk occurs whether or not the weight loss is intentional. If it is unintentional, a visit to a physician is recommended as soon as you notice it, even if you were overweight, so losing weight without doing anything for it seems awesome.

There might be situations when rapid weight loss is actually needed and recommended by a doctor. Weight loss surgery, for instance, may require the patient to lose a significant amount of weight in order to become eligible. However, such cases will always be closely monitored by doctors, so the risk of developing secondary conditions is minimized.

If you were just thinking to start some rapid weight loss diet, consider talking to your doctor first. Your body will thank you.


Helping Your Teen to Lose Weight

You probably remember what it was like to be a teenager. You probably felt awkward, embarrassed and weren't sure how to feel about your developing body, especially if you were a girl. That is why it is important for you today, as a parent, to do what you can in order to help your daughter if she wants to lose weight. Here are some ideas you can use to make sure that you help her lose weight while remaining supportive.

The first thing you want to do is to make sure that she knows that weight loss isn't your idea. It can be very damaging to a teenager for her parent to feel that she is "fat". You have to make sure that she views you as a supportive person in her life, not as a taskmaster or someone who finds her unattractive. Make sure she knows that you love her at any size, and that you are there to help.

You definitely want to have a talk with your family doctor, to rule out any health conditions which could cause extra weight. This is also a good time to ask about calorie requirements and whether any supplements are acceptable, in case your daughter wants to use some.

Next, you have to help her get her diet under control. If one person in your home is trying to lose weight, it is only considerate to make sure that you and everyone else try to eat as healthy as possible as well. Losing weight does not mean that you have no appetite, just that the food you eat is nutritious and nourishing. Therefore, try to cook in a more healthy way as much as possible.

This is also a good time to mention that you need to make sure that she does not develop an eating disorder. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia are very dangerous disease that millions of girls succumb to every year. Don't let your daughter be one of them. Keep your eyes on her actions as much as you are able to. Impress upon her that she needs food to function in her life.

After you help with her diet, you need to get her exercising. Most teenagers don't like exercise unless they're athletes. The only time they run they are in gym class. Therefore, it's important that you talk with her about what physical activities she enjoys. She may want to try rock climbing, or she might like dancing. Physical activity is something that will help her whittle away the pounds.

Help her to set goals, and reward her for them. This can be a fun thing that just the two of her do. Let her dictate her own goals, within reason. And then, be her cheerleader, ready to celebrate when she meets her goals. Remember, don't reward with food.

Weight loss is a journey, so soothe her when she feels disappointed. Use the advice in this article to make sure that your daughter loses weight in a safe way that leaves her very happy.
