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Weight Loss – How to Eat More and Weigh Less

No, this is not a trick, it really can be done. It is definitely possible to lose weight without feeling hungry; the secret is to eat the right type of food.

There are some types of food which are really good at making you feel full without stacking up the calories - so you can eat more of these types of food without piling on the pounds. Some foods are so calorie laden that the smallest nibble can show on the weighing scales. It has been proved that we feel full because of the amount of food that we've eaten rather than the amount of calories that we've eaten, so by eating lots of food which is lower in calories it can help you to feel full without making you weigh more.

Now that I've got your attention take a look at the types of food which you can afford to pile on your plate without stretching your waistband;

"    Fruit and vegetables - I bet you were expecting that weren't you? The problem with some fruit and vegetables is in the preparation, if you add fat or butter to your vegetables then they are not so waistline friendly. Raw fruits and veggies are brilliant, steaming is good - just don't add oil. Particularly great fruit and vegetables to include in your "eating more to weigh less" regime are spinach, broccoli, apples, tomatoes, berries, carrots - blueberry muffins are not good, not even the low fat variety.

"    Broths and soups - are a great opportunity to fill up your bowl without piling on the weight just so long as you steer clear of those which are cream based - mushroom bisque is not good, broth with lots of fresh veggies and a few herbs added for flavor are very good. I suppose the basic rule is to not add any cream.

"    Whole grains - whole wheat bread, brown rice and pasta are great for filling you up without making you gain weight. These have all of the goodness that nature intended them to have - flour which has been processed and bleached does not have the same benefits but can stack up the calories.

"    Peas and beans - are a great addition to the menu if you want to eat plenty of delicious food and fill your stomach without gaining any extra weight. Black beans, green peas, kidney beans - add some to your vegetable broth for a little something extra - just don't add any cream.

"    Lean meats and fish - there are loads of lean meats and fish which you can eat in large amounts without piling on the weight - again you've got to make sure that you prepare it properly. Chicken, turkey, lean beef and fish is great. Having said that a fried chicken wing is not good, a grilled chicken breast without the skin is fantastic.

So remember to include plenty of these low calorie options into your daily diet, throw away the frying pan and steer clear of the cream aisle in the grocery store. That should really help you to lose weight without going hungry.


Weight Loss: Things to Avoid

Losing weight can be a great way to re-gain your health, rid yourself of dangerous health conditions and keep you feeling, and looking, your very best. There are many ways people use in order to lose weight, from fad diets, pills and diet support groups. One thing most dieters have in common is the desire to rid themselves of extra weight as quickly as possible. While this may seem like an enticing idea, there are good reasons, some dangerous, that may influence your decision to use quick-fix weight loss plans. Below, you will learn some things to avoid when trying to lose weight.

Leaving Out Entire Food Groups:

Many people find that they can lose weight quickly by eliminating one or more food groups. Whether it is carbohydrates, fat, fruit or a combination of food groups, this is not a good idea. All of the food groups are necessary for good nutrition, and to keep the body healthy, and running properly. Instead of eliminating carbs, for example, try choosing carbs that can improve your health, such as whole-grain breads, legumes and some fruits. Good fats to include are olive oil and avocados. Eaten in moderation, these foods can enhance weight loss while increasing your overall health.

Diet Pills and Supplements:

Diet supplements and weight loss pills are red-flags for possible complications. They are full of chemicals and additives that can damage the heart and other organs. People have been known to suffer heart attacks and strokes related to these drugs. No weight loss is worth these risks.


Some dieters resort to the use of laxatives in order to drop excess pounds. This a harmful, and possibly dangerous practice. Using laxatives depletes the body of vital substances, such as fluid and potassium. The possibilities of dehydration and other complications makes laxative use a dangerous way to lose weight. Also, weight loss through laxative use is temporary, and when use is discontinued, the weight will return as normal bodily functions improve.

One-Dimensional Diets:

Over the years, people desperate to lose weight have been sucked into one-dimensional diets by stories of rapid weight loss. The Grapefruit Diet, The Rice Diet and the Soup Diet are all fad diets that offer quick weight loss by eliminating all but one or two foods. Not only are these diets usually abandoned due to boredom, they deplete the body of necessary nutrients and natural chemicals that the body needs. And, again, lost weight almost always creeps back on when normal eating habits resume.

Weight Loss Surgery:

Recent strides in the safety of surgery, such as the Lap Band, gastric bypass and the gastric sleeve have improved the safety of weight loss surgery. However, the risks may outweigh the benefits. Infection, the lack of absorption of vital nutrients and even the risk of death make the decision for weight loss surgery one to be carefully contemplated.

It is unfortunate that people become so desperate to lose weight that they will resort to these risky measures. To lose weight in a healthy, permanent way, one must simply avoid poor food choices, and substitute them for healthy, nutritious foods. This, along with a good exercise routine can keep you healthy, feeling and looking great and able to enjoy life to its fullest!
