Do You Think One Of Theses Solutions Can Solve Your Weight Loss or Health Problem ?

Weight Loss And Depression

Losing weight can be a difficult battle for anyone. This is especially true when the health problem is depression. Mental health not only takes a toll on the mind, but the entire body.

Can you lose weight with depression? Yes, but it may be a difficult road. There are many hurdles that you must overcome and they will be both mental and physical. If you are not in a good state of mind, which is generally what happens with depression, then losing weight may seem impossible.

Depression can cause weight gain because many sufferers are "emotional eaters." Obesity and being overweight are serious issues when it comes to all kinds of mental illnesses since hunger starts as a brain function. Too many die from this, usually from heart disease, so this needs to be curved. Another thing that affects weight gain in depression sufferers is medication. Certain types are known to affect hunger and make a person eat more. Sadly, it can be both the depression and the medication affecting your weight gain. If you notice something like this happening to you, you should see your doctor right away.

While weight loss is possible when depressed, it is definitely not easy. Doing things like eating a sensible diet and exercising properly will work to help those with mental illness lose weight. The problem is not so much getting on a healthy diet and exercise plan, but missing one key piece to the puzzle: a healthy mind. When the mind isn't healthy, as the case with many depression sufferers, then the chances of maintaining the weight loss go way down. The person may start losing weight and feel like they have to overdo or they may get hit a setback and give up. When you have a negative outlook on yourself and your life, you tend to be unnecessarily hard on yourself. Stemming from this is a chance that you worsen or your depression or, even worse, develop an eating disorder.

Researchers are having a difficult time trying to devise foolproof plans to help those with depression lose weight. There are too many factors and too many types of depression that have lead to a wide gap in results. They all agree that it is possible for people with depression to lose weight. They also agree that it can be very hard for them. However, making slow positive changes, such as implementing healthier diets and exercise plans can help the person start to feel better and start to lose weight. There may be some types of depression where breaking bad habits is impossible without something to remind the person that it's an unhealthy choice. They can try carrying some type of reminder like a card to combat this.

As you can see, depression and weight loss can be a tough road to take. There are many things to consider, but it can be achieved. If you have depression and need to lose weight, make sure to consult with your doctor to find a healthy and safe plan that works for you.


Weight Loss Fitness on a Budget

Losing weight is hard, but when finances are tight, not having enough money to join a gym or buy an expensive piece of fitness equipment can be very discouraging.  But with a little extra thought, you can devise a fitness routine that will work with a small budget—or no budget at all!

First, try to fit in your exercise routine whenever and wherever you can.  Walking and running is always free, and can be done almost anywhere.  During bad weather, try walking at a mall or a warehouse store—just be sure to eat a snack ahead of time and avoid the food courts or free samples!  Walking up flights of stairs at the office is a great way to work out on a lunch break. 

Walking up and down the stairs at your home during TV commercials is another great way to sneak in a little calorie burning.  You can also do a lot of push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, and other calisthenics-style exercises in your own living room. 

Do an internet search for weight-bearing exercises, or find heavy items around the house to lift instead of dumbbells.  There are many exercises a mom can do that involve lifting her toddler in fun and safe ways, instead of using weights—making it easier for a stay at home mom to keep in shape. 

Most libraries have many fitness books and videos you can borrow, and they can order in anything they don’t have from libraries across the country.  They also have a wonderful array of cookbooks as well.  You can also find a lot of free workout routines and workout advice on

Parks are a great place to work out.  Some parks have basic fitness equipment such as chin up bars and low balance beams.  You can also lay out a towel and do yoga, or borrow a library book on “basic training style” exercises, which you can easily do in the park.

If you are a student, you might be able to get a very inexpensive membership to a gym or to the YMCA.  Classes may cost extra, but use of the basic equipment should be included in the membership.  Don’t forget that if you work at or attend a college, there is usually a fitness center there that you may use for free.  If you aren’t a student or teacher, then check with your employer to see if you have a gym at your work site, or if the company has an agreement with a local gym to provide discounted memberships.  Some employers don’t advertise this. 

Although there are a lot of ways out there to get in shape for free, sometimes you can lose motivation if you aren’t able to work out in the way that you’d like.  Try to find an exercise buddy to keep your motivation up.  If you have no friends interested in joining you, try in the personals section, or join an online fitness forum.  They often have challenges and competitions to help keep motivation high.

Don’t let a lack of finances keep you from achieving optimum health or your ideal weight.  Do a little research, get creative, and you’ll find a weight loss fitness routine that works for you AND your budget!
