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Weight Loss Strategies

There are hundreds of weight loss products, fad diets, and Diet Experts who know all the secrets to losing weight.  Yet, the weight loss industry continues to be one of the largest and fastest growing business sectors in the United States, not to mention in the world.  Men and women alike spend millions of dollars annually trying to lose their extra weight and then spend almost as much trying to keep that weight off.  The secret to permanent weight loss, however is to make long-term life-style changes that create healthy nutritional and exercise habits that become ingrained.

How are these permanent changes made?  Consider these strategies for reaching your permanent weight loss goals:

1.    Commit for life.  Weight loss that is permanent is not easy.  It takes hard work and it takes the patience and determination to stick with the plan and to stay committed to the goal.  Permanently modifying lifelong habits literally takes physical and mental energy.

2.    Focus Inwardly.  No one can make weight loss a success except the individual themselves.  Finding their internal motivation to lose weight will mean they are losing weight for themselves and no one else.  Losing weight should be a very personal goal, it should not be done to please anyone else. 

3.    Set a realistic and reachable goal.   When some try to lose weight, they don’t realize that a reasonable weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds per week, so expect to lose 30 pounds their first month and then are disappointed when they don’t. To lose the 1 to 2 pounds per week, it will take burning an extra 500 to 1,000 extra calories per day either through more exercise or through consuming fewer calories or a combination of both. 

4.    Eat healthier.  Modifying the diet to include healthier foods includes adding more plant-based foods, including vegetables, whole grains, and fruits.  It also helps to add some variety into the menu, including green, leafy vegetables.  Start the day with a good, healthy breakfast.  Include healthy fats, as well including vegetable oils, nut butters, and olive oil.  Also, cut back on sugar, high-fat dairy, and eat lean protein, approximately 3 ounce servings, no more.

5.    Work it out.  Though it is possible to lose weight without exercising, physical activity provides an edge to weight loss.  It helps burn off calories which cannot be cut through diet alone.  Exercise is also extremely beneficial for the health including reducing blood pressure, boosting the mode, and strengthening the cardiovascular system.  Research studies have shown that individuals who have maintained long-term weight loss have all done it by including regular physical activity.

6.    Change perspectives.  Eating healthy and exercising will certainly help with weight loss, but these will not provide for long-term, permanent weight loss.  The only thing that can make that happen is when the individual commits to maintaining a healthy, active, nutritious lifestyle and makes permanent changes in diet, eating and physical activity habits and ensures these become their way of life. 

During any weight loss program, there will likely be setbacks.  Instead of giving up and quitting, anyone trying to lose weight will be better off simply forgiving themselves for getting off-track and starting fresh the next day.   It is good to remember that weight loss is not easy and neither is changing one’s life to make the weight loss permanent.  Steady and permanent weight loss will take time, but committing to a healthy lifestyle will work and the results will certainly be worth all the effort.


What Weight Loss Equipment Should You Buy?

Combined with dieting, exercise is the most efficient way to shed down those extra pounds. Not only will exercising improve how you look, but it will also improve your overall health, and regular exercising will keep on paying dividends even in your old age.

The effects of exercise are cumulative. The more calories you burn, the more you speed up your metabolism, which in turn makes it possible to lose more weight. If you are going to take your exercising seriously it’s a good idea to know what home equipment is available for your weight loss regime and what will best suit you.

Among the most effective, and maybe the best known of them all, is the treadmill. There are a huge variety of treadmills out there, with every imaginable option and style. For example, there are treadmills that are powered by your own walking and others which are powered by electricity. There are treadmills with a motor designed to run for two hours a day and treadmills made to be used for twelve consecutive hours. The end result is a very wide range of products available to choose from. The prices vary depending on the specific item, buts its worth taking the time to work out exactly what you need before making your choice.

The exercise bike is another classic home exercise machine. Unlike the treadmill, it provides a workout for both the upper and lower body, which holds a lot of appeal for conscientious enthusiasts. Like the treadmill there are a large range of different models each providing their own features to help you with your weight loss plans.

Another popular piece of weight loss exercise equipment is the elliptical machine. These machines combine multiple exercises, and the advanced models will give you both an upper and lower body workout. If you haven’t seen and elliptical machine before, it is helpful to think of it as a hybrid between a ski machine and a stair climber.

One item that might not immediately strike you as a serious piece of workout equipment is the trampoline. It is, however, a great way to burn excess calories, not to mention it being really fun. The bigger trampolines are often set up in back yards and used for workouts and recreational play, while smaller models, called mini trampolines, are designed for indoor use. Either way, besides being exciting and fun, trampolines are also quite affordable. If you think bouncing on a trampoline gets boring, you can play some fast invigorating music while you exercise, that certainly gets the blood flowing as subconsciously you try to move with the rhythm of the music.

If you don’t have a lot of room in your home, you will find some home exercise products that are collapsible when not in use. These items also tend to be a bit cheaper than the larger equipment items. Yoga and Pilates items, or resistance bands and exercise balls fall into this category. When it comes to choosing weight loss exercise equipment for home, you are only restricted by your budget and the amount of space you have available.
