Do You Think One Of Theses Solutions Can Solve Your Weight Loss or Health Problem ?

Weight Loss Over Age Forty

Weight loss is a challenge at any age. But, after the age of forty women in particular have the added obstacle of having to overcome the hormonal changes in the body. Hormones have a definite impact on weight loss.

I’m an avid viewer of Dr. Oz’s show as he seems to be very balanced and, at the same time, really up-to-date regarding the current trends in dieting and what works and what does not. So when he acknowledged that hormones can definitely slow down my weight loss efforts, I sat up and took notice. Maybe he would also have some helpful suggestions on the solution to this dilemma.

He did have a number of recommendations and I’m going to share them here, in case there is still a female in this country that has not tuned into Dr. Oz’s show on a daily basis. He pointed out that after age 50 the body burns 200 calories a day less because of estrogen loss. As you age and your eggs “shrivel,” your body turns to your belly fat as a backup for storage of its estrogen. That being the case, you need to provide your body with an alternative source of estrogen. Dr. Oz recommends you grind up and eat two teaspoons of flax seeds daily to boost your estrogen.

Of course, exercise of some sort is always recommended, no matter what your age. Unfortunately in your forties and fifties your body responds differently to exercise. Even when you are burning up the calories, the fat is reluctant to leave, preferring to stay in your body, marbleizing your muscles. You might be surprised to learn that this has to do with the diminishing amount of testosterone in your body as you age.

To combat the decrease of testosterone, Dr. Oz recommends a very high protein source – Roman Beans. He suggests building up the amount of these beans that you eat until you reach 2-3 cups a week. If you are concerned about that creating a problem with gas – a common occurrence when eating beans – simply increase the amount of beans you eat in small increments until you’ve reached your goal of 2-3 cups a week.

Salmon is a good idea also as it is rich in protein and Vitamin D (and let’s not forget those healthy Omeg-3 oils). Broccoli is helpful for the iron it provides, building up your red blood cells that in turn carry oxygen to your muscles.

Finally, don’t underestimate the value of weight training – thirty minutes a week will help burn those calories and continue to do so even after the workout is over!

There’s no denying it is going to require a little more of a concentrated effort to be successful in the weight loss department after the age of forty. It’s a hard reality, but weight loss CAN be accomplished if you follow these guidelines. Even more importantly, you will be increasing your overall health which means you will feel strong, healthy and vital – and isn’t that the ultimate goal in any diet regimen?


Losing Weight Doesn't Have To Be Hard

These days losing weight is on everyone's mind. It seems it's harder and harder to lose the weight as you age. Once you hit 30 years old, your metabolism slows down and it can be more of an uphill battle to control your weight.

We're going to discuss a few different ways that will help you in this effort to slim down and lose a few pounds. If you are healthy and are at your ideal weight, you still might be able to gain valuable insight from this information.

One of the biggest misconceptions about losing weight is that you should limit your calories per day. While it is true that you need to watch her calorie input, you should not starve yourself because that defeats the long-term purpose of losing weight and keeping it off.

The reason why this does not work is because if you starve your body, your body will start to break down muscle tissue along with fat. When the muscle tissue has been lost, your ability to maintain a high metabolism rate goes way down. This will make it easier to gain the weight back in the future. This is why you see people who are on diets always struggling to keep the weight off.

The one thing many people do not want to do is what they know they should do, which is exercise. Exercising is something that many Americans do not do enough of. There is more time spent in front of the TV and computer then moving the body around. That is more of a society problem in this day and age. However don't let this be an excuse!

Not only will you feel better by moving your body, you'll also be able to lose weight and stay healthy as you age. What is it to like about this? Most people agree with these ideas, they know they are correct, but just lack the determination to follow through with them.

Don't let this happen to you! Go and find a gym, by some good sneakers, and start working out! If you can't afford a gym then you can always do some cardio exercises either inside or outside. You can also do situps, push-ups and pull-ups inside your home to build lean muscle. This lean muscle also help increase your metabolism which helps you burn calories day in and day out.

As you can see watching what you eat is only one part of the equation as you are trying to lose weight. You need to be aware that your body is trying to work with you and not against you. And that might be a mental shift that needs to happen in your mind, but when it does happen you'll see the pounds fly off!

So the next time that you see someone on a diet and they're not working out, you might want to let them know that they need to maintain their metabolism rate by increasing their lean muscle.
